Hamilton Advertiser


With Constable Andrewport­eous


We at Police Scotland again wish you all the best and hope that you have enjoyed 2024 and what it has brought so far.

Our officers continue to support the terrific work being done by the Hamilton Our Town team and in particular look forward to the events they have arranged for the 2024.

We hope these events have the desired effect and help to keep regenerati­ng the town centre. The local town centre officers continue to assist them with the Pub Watch scheme and their continued attendance at these events.

This week, I would like to give you some top tips on cyber security.

■ Choose strong passwords and change them regularly.

■ Make sure your wireless network is secure at all times.

■ Keep your operating system, browser, anti-virus and security software up to date.

■ Install anti-virus on all your devices. ■ Not all websites are legitimate and some are fake – if in doubt don’t use it.

■ Never reveal passwords or PIN when asked to do so by email or on the phone.

■ Don’t reveal or share personal informatio­n on social networking/ dating sites.

■ Set privacy settings to the highest level.

■ When shopping or banking online make sure the website is secure – look for the green padlock and HTTPS in the browser bar.

■ Remember that deleting data doesn’t guarantee permanent removal.

A useful website is www. thinkyoukn­ow.co.uk as it has details on internet safety advice, crime prevention advice (personal and business) and free anti-virus software.

Meanwhile, officers attended a retail outlet in the Palace Grounds this week after receiving calls from staff in relation to a female who had allegedly been stealing a large amount of goods as well as being threatenin­g towards staff.

On police attending a female was stopped nearby where she was allegedly found in the possession of stolen goods and an offensive weapon.

A female who then allegedly provided false details was arrested and taken to custody where she remained to appear at Hamilton Sheriff Court. She was charged with multiple offences including a breach of the peace, attempt to pervert the course of justice, being in the possession of an offensive weapon and theft by shopliftin­g.

If you have any relevant informatio­n or matters you feel should be reported to the police, call the non-emergency number 101. Call Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555 111.

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