Greenock Telegraph





1 Admire ornate sceptre (7)

5 Phone program to get the

French fruit (5)

8 Force wife to take it

easy (5)

9 Museum finally fitted

with slats (7)

10 Value of speed (4)

11 Perfect, without a hint of

rain (8) 13 Posh people in Corsica, arty

possibly (11)

17 Plane left one in rear in

disarray (8)

19 Learner encountere­d outside

will lose form (4)

21 Meat product cold as far as

one can see? Not entirely (7)

22 Oven-cooked, medium

poison (5)

23 Ringleader in sudden pain

causes minor accident (5) 24 Family doctor at home of key person in organisati­on (7) Down

1 Prize when part of the cabinet retired (6)

2 Lets her arrange

the cover (7)

3 Warms up, removing starter, then dines (4)

4 Publicatio­n to help one be OK from mobile? (9,4)

5 Duly tear round with grounds for divorce (8)

6 Each year, Rose loses nothing – analyse that (5)

7 Most senior colonel

destined to hide (6)

12 Aiming for painkiller with force (8)

14 Tidy prop put in

vessel (5,2)

15 Daft hat for reckless

person (6)

16 This tame nuthatch circles pollen sac (6)

18 Curio jar contains

alcoholic drink (5)

20 Still curtailed

sporting fixture (4)



1 Provisiona­l (7)

5 First public performanc­e (5)

8 Being untruthful (5)

9 Please carry on (2,5)

10 Pesters (4)

11 Choosing abstinence from

alcohol (8)

13 Believer of a divine evolution

of the universe (11)

17 Get rid of (embarrassm­ent)

with a jest (5,3)

19 Handy, adroit (4)

21 Work out (7)

22 Unleavened bread used for

kebabs (5) 23 Daunt (5)

24 Rotten, putrid (7)


1 Far from the coast (6)

2 Cause (7)

3 Fit of anger (4)

4 Region around a moving

electric charge (8,5)

5 Planning (8)

6 Sheep’s cry (5)

7 In an orderly way (6)

12 Single man (8)

14 In a pleasant, gentle way (7)

15 Rosy, ruddy (6)

16 Filament, thread (6)

18 Knocked over (5)

20 Heroic work (4)

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