Greenock Telegraph

Drug dealer jailed over heroin and cocaine supply

- Ross Hanvidge

A GREENOCK drug dealer who was spared prison last year for hiding almost £2,000 worth of class A narcotics in his underwear has now been jailed – after being caught 12 months later storing cocaine and heroin in his home.

Edward Joyce became involved in supplying the illegal substances again due to a ‘significan­t’ gambling addiction which meant his finances ‘spiralled out of control’, Greenock Sheriff Court heard.

The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to being concerned in the distributi­on of a compound or compounds of diamorphin­eand cocaine from his John Wilson Street address on July 23.

Prosecutor­s accepted a not guilty plea to a further charge alleging that Joyce intentiona­lly obstructed officers during a police drug search by taking possession of a number of items including controlled drugs and throwing them from the window of his property in an attempt to avoid detection.

In November, the Telegraph reported that Joyce admitted two charges of being in possession of illegal substances with intent to supply after he was found with 30 grams of heroin and 23 grams of cocaine.

Police stopped and searched him on Orchard Street on July 3 last year and after the drugs were weighed and tested, the heroin was said to have been worth around £700, while the cocaine was valued at £1,200.

The court heard that Joyce was found with a burner phone and a plastic bag in his underwear containing the drugs.

He received unpaid work hours and an electronic tag with a night-time curfew, while he was previously sentenced to a community payback order for separate offences having been convicted of assaulting a woman in a Greenock flat and threatenin­g or abusive behaviour.

At a sentencing hearing this week, solicitor Daniella-Jane Croly said her client ‘offers no excuse’for his behaviour and has ‘taken responsibi­lity’.

The lawyer said: “This case has been a significan­t wakeup call and an eye-opener for him and he is determined more than ever to turn around his life.

“His finances spiralled out of control due to a significan­t gambling addiction.

“He tells me he will never fall down this trap again.”

Sheriff James Varney said there was no alternativ­e to custody since Joyce had already been spared jail time twice before.

The sheriff told Joyce: “These offences took place on July 23, 2024 following on from two other instances where community payback orders were imposed, which ought to have been sufficient notice for you to understand that regardless of the circumstan­ces you found yourself in, you should not have turned to the sale of drugs in the community.”

Joyce was sentenced to 30 weeks imprisonme­nt, reduced from 45 weeks due to the timing of his plea.

A hearing is due to take place in September to discuss the forfeiture of two mobile phones and nearly £500 in cash relating to the case.

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