Greenock Telegraph

Worshipper­s at church faced with closure celebrate new kirk links

- Lorraine Tinney ltinney@greenockte­

WORSHIPPER­S at a Port Glasgow church faced with closure are celebratin­g linking with an historic Greenock kirk.

Members of Hamilton Bardrainne­y have been without a minister for more than 10 years and has battled to remain open.

Now, after years of negotiatio­n, the church will link with Wellpark Mid Kirk - ‘the toon kirk’ - which dates back to the 18th century and a special service will take place there on Tuesday (August 27).

Session Clerk Morag Wilson said: “I’m very happy about it, it’s been a long time coming, we are quite looking forward to it.

“The Church of Scotland has been trying to close us down for years because we were a small church and we were struggling to get a minister.

“The linkage suits both congregati­ons and means we will get the opportunit­y to call a minister which we will share between us.

“Hamilton Bardrainne­y has always fought its corner, we have a good congregati­on and people round about us who use the church for social events and good Sunday services, that has always been the case and people who have left have come back.

“We have also been well served by retired deaconess Greta Gray and I hope she will remain with us when we link with Wellpark.”

“The linkage means that we keep our own identity, keep your own business and make

your own decisions. It’s a happy time for our congregati­on.”

The church has been serving upper Port nd

Glasgow since 1958 when it Hamilton Church merged with Hamilton Bardrainne­y Kirk.

It has been without a full-time minister since Reverend James Munro retired in 2012 and prior to that has been dogged with problems with fabric of the building, particular­ly due to storm damage.

Elder David McLellan, who has been a member of the church since 1963, said: “It was more or less a unanimous decision. It’s the best news we can get at this moment, we can look forward to the future now.”

Reverend Jonathan Fleming, interim moderator for Wellpark Mid Kirk whose congregati­on is also without a minister, said: “I am delighted that things are progressin­g for Wellpark Mid Kirk and Hamilton Bardrainne­y.

“This is the first step in their new journey together, which will hopefully be soon followed by the search for their next Minister.

“I with both congregati­ons every blessing on the road ahead.”

Wellpark Mid Kirk has been without a minister since Reverend Alan Sorensen retired in 2022.

The special service will be held at 7pm and all are welcome.

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 ?? ?? Picture: George Munro
Picture: George Munro

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