Golf Monthly




While I am, admittedly, a tinkerer when it comes to the clubs in my bag, my current rangefinde­r has held its place for over five years now – it does everything I need it to do. However, one outing with Garmin’s newest offering got me thinking that I’ve been missing out by not updating to the latest in laser rangefinde­r technology.

New technology can sometimes be a little overwhelmi­ng and distractin­g, but the Z30 was ready to use out of the box with a full battery and very self-explanator­y features. It offers you all the basics you’d expect from a premium rangefinde­r, like 6x magnificat­ion, crystal-clear graphics giving quick yardages to the pin and adjusted yardages according to elevation change.

The Approach Z30 comes into its own when paired with another device in the Garmin ecosystem, which includes the free Garmin smartphone app. In my case, it was the brand’s Approach S70 watch, with the two working together to give an even more well-rounded volume of data than when using the laser on its own.

nd When paired, the Z30 showed me how far I had between the pin and the front and back of the green, while relaying the nowzapped pin yardage onto my watch. As someone who has constantly had to scope out my target multiple times after forgetting the distance, having it appear permanentl­y on my watch saved plenty of time.

The bird’s-eye view of the exact pin location was also great for sussing out any bunkers I wanted to avoid around the green, so I could play for the best miss. Other neat features include full waterproof protection and the ‘Find My Garmin’ option, which helps you track down the device if you’ve dropped it on the course.

Overall, I was especially impressed with the way the Z30 integrated with other devices. For me, this is the standout feature and a key point of difference to other rangefinde­rs on the market, making it a serious considerat­ion for those already in possession of a Garmin watch.

For those happy to use the app as their companion on the course, this rangefinde­r still offers a heightened, data-led experience. Golfers of all abilities will find it incredibly useful when playing their home club or a new course.

 ?? ?? A light shows playing companions that the Z30 is in tournament mode
A light shows playing companions that the Z30 is in tournament mode
 ?? ?? The built-in magnet is an underrated and useful feature
The built-in magnet is an underrated and useful feature

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