Gloucestershire Echo

Departing May hopes for fairytale finish


JONNY May says he hopes to write one more glorious chapter in his career as a Gloucester player having confirmed he will leave the club in summer.

May, 34, has scored 73 tries in 191 appearance­s for the Cherry and Whites since coming through the club’s academy and looks set to finish his career with a start on the wing at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in the EPCR Challenge Cup final against South African side the Sharks on May 24.

May, who said he returned for a second spell with Gloucester after three years at Leicester Tigers between 2017 and 2020 with the dream of adding trophies to the Kingsholm cabinet, said: “I feel like the story hasn’t quite finished being written yet.

“And what a fairytale it would be, but what a trap that is also to fall into thinking or drifting into those nice thoughts. There’s a big couple of weeks ahead, we need to stay focused, stay in the moment, and play the moment. But how amazing would that be to finish lifting a trophy?

“We have probably played our best rugby this year in the Challenge Cup and it’s incredible what we have done.

“There’s still a little bit more to be written and that’s very exciting but sport can also be cruel so let’s just see how it unfolds. I will be giving it absolutely everything I’ve got and so will the rest of the boys because there really is a chance to do something special.”

Reflecting on his long associatio­n with the club having come through Hartpury and the club’s academy to become one of England and Gloucester’s most celebrated wingers. May said: “It really has become a big part of me and my family’s life. This place has got a big part of my heart and so it’s sad to leave but I’ve had lots and lots of great times here.

“There’s something special about playing here, particular­ly under the lights on a Friday night.

“The Shed make it just one of the best atmosphere­s to play in the world. I certainly love it.

“It really is, without sounding too cliché, but like a family feel, a community feel to it, a real honest, hard-working city culture and history to it that makes it very, very special.

“So I’ll be back, I won’t be playing but I’ll be back here because it’s a special place.”

While May is not certain where his next club will be he said he hopes to play on for another couple of years with a move overseas to experience something new his most likely move.

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