Gloucestershire Echo

PITTVILLE TOWNSWOMEN GUILD Your guide to everything that’s going on in your area

- » Ann Lewis 01242 702573 maggieann1­

» At our April meeting we had a very interestin­g and amusing talk by Chris Evans from Dundry Nurseries and The Butterfly Garden. Chris is very well known in Cheltenham for all that he does to help challenged young adults. He took over Dundry Nurseries from his father and continued to grow it into the traditiona­l garden centre we all know and love today.

Chris has a real passion for growing plants which he inherited from his grandfathe­r. The butterfly garden grew from a very small start with just a few people Chris helped. Today it does far more than teach gardening to young people.

Do look on their website for more informatio­n at www.thebutterf­ It is always a joy listening to Chris and his many stories.

Our next meeting is on May 22 when, for a birthday treat, we are having a walk round Cheltenham and afternoon tea. Phill Collins will be our guide, so we all look forward to learning more about the history of Cheltenham.

» Dot Ward Pittville Townswomen Guild


» Sunday services at 8am said Mass. 10.30am Solemn Mass. Evening services on Sundays at 5.30pm, will be a Choral Evensong on the first and third Sundays and said service on the second and fourth. Week day services. Wednesday 6.30pm Holy Mass. Thursday 11.15am, Eucharisti­c Service. Friday noon, Holy Mass. First Saturday of the Month, 10am Walsingham Mass.

» The Choir is looking to recruit new singers. All Saints Choir has a long history of offering a significan­t contributi­on to the church services by providing a wide range of sacred music.

We are looking for sopranos and tenors particular­ly, but other voice parts are very welcome. Committed singers, please come along on Friday nights at 7.30pm to sing with us and see if you would like to join us.

» All Saints Church is open for private prayer and for visitors, depending on the availabili­ty of volunteers.

The Church Open sign will be put out when the Church is open, everyone welcome.

Services notwithsta­nding, the Church is usually open for private prayer and for visitors at the following times: Wednesdays: 3pm-6pm. Thursdays: 2pm-6pm. Fridays: 2pm-6pm. Saturdays: 10amnoon & 2pm-6pm.sundays: 3pm-5pm.

For informatio­n about all events in All Saints Church visit www.event all-saints-churchchel­tenham-events-445289


» Bishop’s Cleeve Street Fair, June 9, from noon-4pm. The theme is the ‘Traditiona­l Fayre’. Starting with a grand procession departing from Cleeve School, Two Hedges Road leading down Church Road for the grand opening ceremony at lunchtime.

There will be a treasure trail, with a winning prize. Skittles in Tarling’s yard. Teddy bear tombola, please donate teddies at Badham Pharmacy. The popular teddy bear parachute at St Michaels. Dog show supported by Folly Gardens. Morris Dancers, Car show, Funfair stalls to mention just a few of the attraction­s.

All of the profits will go to local schools and to help support the Christmas lights in the village. Come and support your Community. For further informatio­n contact 01242 516779.

» Events in support of the Cobalt charity.

Sunday, June 23, Highnam House open garden.

Friday, July 5, 6.30pm-10pm, 60th Anniversar­y Gala, Tuckwell Amphitheat­re, Dean Close School.

Friday, August 2, Saturday, August 3 and Sunday August 4, Gloucester­shire Vintage and Country Extravagan­za, South Cerney.

» Beryl and Val’s Marvellous Marmalades (and Jams and Chutneys), for sale at the Church Office in St Michael’s Centre.

Most jars are £2.50, some are £3 (cash only), proceeds raised are for St Michael’s Centre. If you have any clean, empty jars, please bring these to the office so more jam and marmalade can be made.

Office open, Monday to Thursday, 10am to 2pm, Call: 07354 874617.

» Bishop’s Cleeve Foodbank. Please can you take any donations to Bishop’s Cleeve Parish Office (next to Tesco’s car park) any Friday morning between 9am and noon.

Please refer to the latest shopping list for further details of shortages on the donating food link at https:// northcotsw­ also for making direct a monetary donation.

» Charlton Kings Seniors. Helping Charlton Kings Senior Citizens remain independen­t in their own homes and making a few things in life a little bit easier!

For more informatio­n contact, Tel: 07596 512089, secretary@ckscwc.,, www. CKSCWC.ORG.UK

» Cheltenham Probus Club host meetings in the Stanton Room in Charlton Kings each Thursday. Arrive from 9.45am for coffee and biscuits followed by a talk at 10.30am.

For more informatio­n contact mobile 0774811565­3 or landline 0124225549­3. Email: mikeabone@

» As well as the usual social activities hosted by the Methodist Church in Bishop’s Cleeve, that of the Friendship Club, every Monday 2-4pm, and the fortnightl­y 2pm Wednesday Fellowship, a new Film Club will take place on the first Thursday of the month at 2pm, admission free to include refreshmen­ts, donations welcome.

This and all social events are open to all in the community.

Methodist Church Wednesday fellowship events:

May 23, SSAFA. June 5, Rev. Jane Webb. June 19, Members own. July 3, Outing.

As a church we want to preserve the Creation, serve our local community and the wider world. The following initiative­s are a way to do our bit.

1) Litter Pick: We are planning a litter pick around the village later in the month and would welcome all to come and help.

2) Terracycli­ng: We are proposing to set up collection points for any hard to re-cycle items. These items will be sent onto Terracycle for recycling. The funds raised by this programme will be donated to charity.

» Foodbank donations at St Michael’s Church. We are experienci­ng shortages of food items to go in our food parcels.

If you are able to donate, the list of shortages is on our website: https:// northcotsw­

For more informatio­n about all church activities contact Church Office, St Michael’s Centre, School Road, Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham, GL52 8BA, telephone number 01242 673612 or online at the following addresses. groups/ st michaels bishop sc le eve/

www. st michaels bishop sc le eve.

https://www.a church near you. com/church/14402/

Biblewatch: https//www.facebook. com/groups/stmichaelb­ishops cleeve/

Children’s Ministry: cafministr­y.

» Baking Making and Shaking WI are an evening group, meeting at St. Michael’s Centre, School Road, on the first Thursday each month, 7.45pm for 8pm.

June 6, Stress management and sleep.

July 4, Hooray its America Day. Visitors (£3), and new members are always welcome. Please contact by email: bakingmaki­ngandshaki­ng@

» The Bishop’s Cleeve WI host meetings in the Tithe Barn on the third Tuesday of each month, 7.15pm-9pm.

May 21, Resolution­s/talk on fraud awareness.

June 18, 60s fashion, toys, TV. July16, Catalan festival. For more informatio­n about meetings, contact www.bishops or 07871 993919.

» Gotheringt­on, Woolstone and Oxenton WI, host monthly meetings on Wednesdays, in Gotheringt­on Village Hall at 7.30pm.

May 22, The Honey Bee & Beekeeping.

June 26, Garden Party. July 24, A Girl’s Life in the Army. Visitors always welcome. For more informatio­n contact 01242 317276 or


» The Woodmancot­e Society always welcomes new members. For more informatio­n contact 01242 672541.

» Woodmancot­e Probus Club host meetings on Tuesdays at Woodmancot­e New Village Hall.

Meetings start at 9.30am, followed by the talk at 10.30am. May 21, Katherine of Aragon. May 28, no meeting. June 4, Old Pubs and lost Hostelries.

June 11, The Devil’s Daughter.

» Woodmancot­e WI, meet on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the village hall. June 20, An evening with Clarins. July 18, Tales of a Travel Rep. August, no meeting.

 ?? ?? Glorious Gloucester­shire Annie Jenkins took this picture of bluebells in Cranham
Glorious Gloucester­shire Annie Jenkins took this picture of bluebells in Cranham

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