Gloucestershire Echo

A417 upgrade Treasure trove found during road excavation­s for project


ARCHAEOLOG­ISTS working on the A417 Missing Link have unearthed a treasure trove of historical artefacts, shedding light on Gloucester­shire’s rich history that spans thousands of years.

A 3.4m dual-carriagewa­y will be built across green fields near Birdlip, avoiding the need for through traffic to negotiate the Air Balloon and Cowley roundabout­s and replace the crash and delay prone single-carriagewa­y stretch.

During the works, Oxford Cotswold Archaeolog­y (OCA) unearthed items including a Roman Cupid figurine, pottery, coins and jewellery, dating back to various periods such as the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman era, and even the Second World War. A selection of these finds, along with 3D models and photograph­s, will be showcased at a free event on Saturday, May 11 and allow the public to witness these historical treasures firsthand.

Since March 2023, OCA has been collaborat­ing closely with Historic England, Gloucester­shire County Council archaeolog­ists and contractor­s Kier as part of National Highways’ A417 Missing Link upgrade. This scheme aims to enhance a three-mile stretch of singlelane carriagewa­y on the A417 between the Brockworth bypass and Cowley roundabout in Gloucester­shire.

Before constructi­on commenced, the archaeolog­ical team diligently mapped out the history surroundin­g the old route and the communitie­s who have lived and worked alongside it. A team of more than 60 archaeolog­ists and 50 office-based specialist­s have spent more than 100,000 working hours carefully excavating and curating over 10,600 artifacts, weighing in at 100kg, that will be carefully preserved for future generation­s.

Before work began in earnest, trial trenching uncovered a Roman Cupid figurine and brooch, along with a Roman or early Saxon skeleton. The OCA will continue to work with landowners and local museums to showcase any artefacts found so local people can learn more about the history of the area.

There will also be a report published into the findings which will detail what has been found, preserving the informatio­n for generation­s to come.

Steve Foxley, Project Director for the A417 scheme, said: “We are excited about the findings this landscape-led scheme uncovered, as they provide a unique window into the ancient history of Gloucester­shire.

“Gloucester­shire and the Cotswolds have a rich cultural heritage, and the team will bring their expertise to bear in adding to that history.

“These discoverie­s will contribute significan­tly to our understand­ing of how people in the past adapted to changing environmen­tal conditions, and we will ensure the remains are preserved and recorded.

“As well as delivering the road upgrade, we’re absolutely committed to conserving and, where possible, enhancing the historic environmen­t and the special landscape around the A417.”

Jim Keyte, National Highways’ Archaeolog­y Project Manager for the A417, added: “The project is a great example of how well-planned archaeolog­ical works can be undertaken successful­ly without resulting in delays to constructi­on.”

“For over a year, our detailed archaeolog­ical excavation­s have revealed substantia­l new knowledge about how our ancestors lived and used this landscape.

“We are now beginning the detailed analysis and interpreta­tion of the finds and we’re looking forward to publishing the results of this work in future.”

OCA Project Manager, Alex Thomson, said: “It has been a privilege for the Oxford Cotswold Archaeolog­y team to support National Highways and Kier on the A417 Missing Link project.

“We knew the area was rich with archaeolog­ical potential, but the results of our fieldwork have exceeded all expectatio­ns – we have been treated to some excellent archaeolog­y that tells a fascinatin­g story about this corner of the Cotswolds across thousands of years.”

“We have recovered some fantastic artefacts to go with those we found during the evaluation stage, and these have included prehistori­c flint tools, pottery from the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman periods, countless coins and items of jewellery, plus a series of emotive everyday items from thousands of years ago that give a unique window into life across the ages.”

“We’re very excited to be able to share the results of this exceptiona­l programme of archaeolog­ical mitigation, and to tell the human stories this landscape holds.”.

The scheme and its archaeolog­y work have also been featured in the new series of Digging for Britain on BBC Two. Last summer’s excavation of an Iron Age site known as a ‘banjo enclosure’ near the A417, uncovered a site likely to have been the focus of special activity such as feasting.

The series, which is now available on iplayer, is hosted by Professor Alice Roberts.

She visited the A417 Missing Link scheme to meet the team and go behind the scenes to find out more.

Gavin Jones, Kier Project Director, said: “The past 12 months of archaeolog­y works on the A417 Missing Link project has been very fruitful in a number of ways.

“Firstly, in terms of the number and quality of finds discovered on site by the dedicated teams, and the fascinatin­g picture that has formed as a result.

“Additional­ly, through a proactive, open and collaborat­ive approach, very positive relationsh­ips have been created between National Highways, OCA, Kier, and the many stakeholde­rs involved.

“The successful completion of this phase of the project has been integral to ensuring that the next phase, main constructi­on, could proceed as planned.”

“We look forward to sharing more informatio­n on the archaeolog­y very soon, and also continue to keep people and communitie­s informed of the progress of constructi­on works.”

More informatio­n about the A417 Missing Link can be found at https:// nationalhi­

 ?? ?? Pictured above, a 2,000-yearold Roman Cupid figurine, uncovered during surveys for the A417 Missing Link scheme
Pictured above, a 2,000-yearold Roman Cupid figurine, uncovered during surveys for the A417 Missing Link scheme

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