Gloucestershire Echo

Throwers on song as Harriers claim second place


THE Under-17/under-20 Harriers team travelled to Aberdare for the first match of the Upper Youth Developmen­t League with a slightly depleted team through injury.

The team scored really well in throws - with wins from Mimi Davis in the Under-20w javelin and Johnnie Stanimeros with a PB in the Under-17m hammer.

They also secured a fantastic double A & B string win and three PBS in the Under-17w shot as well as the Under-17w discus thanks to Mary Nasilasila­s and Jess Asquith, with Charlie Mason and Fenton Weatherley-kaye (PB) also doing the double in the Under-17m javelin.

Skyla Turbard earnt a season’s best in the hammer to finish third in the A string U17 and Zoe Arrenberg finished second in the B string.

The men enjoyed two wins (Dom Martin and Sam Wilson) and two seconds (Tom Wightman and Rhys Haines) in the 1500m, also winning

the Under-17 pole vault (James Pound), Under-7b 400 (Lucas West) and scoring two seconds in long jump (Ollie Marchant and Fred Buckland) and the 4x400 Under-17 relay.

There were several PBS on sprints

too, with Conrad Beard and Fred Buckland registerin­g 12.1 and 12.2 in the 100m and Ollie Marchant running 23.9 in the 200m.

Also on the track, Harriers dominated in the steeplecha­se, winning four of the six races with

Bexley Turbard winning the Under-20m and Sam Wilson and Tom Wightman - on his maiden run taking the Under-17 A and B string wins comfortabl­y.

Abi Thornley took the Under-20w steeplecha­se win with a huge PB of 5.42, with Harriet Smith and Jess Shepperd stepping in and finishing first and third in the Under-17 race on their first attempts at the event.

A great run by Harry Knight on his first attempt at the 400 hurdles saw him take third with Robin Nishimura fractional­ly behind winning the B race with a PB.

With three injuriess the team rallied right to the end where we found two 400 runners for the very last event of the day and comfortabl­y won both the Under-20 A and B mixed relays - the former with an Under-17 team.

This, and the last throw in the javelin, secured Harriers an overall second place.

 ?? ?? Throwers Mary Nasilasila­s, Zoe Arrenberg and Skyla Turbard
Throwers Mary Nasilasila­s, Zoe Arrenberg and Skyla Turbard

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