Gloucestershire Echo

Supporting this vital air ambulance

- Alex Chalk MP

THERE wasn’t a dry eye in the house last week as Niky Crooks from Charlton Kings spoke at a reception in Parliament in support of the Great Western Air Ambulance charity.

As readers may remember, in October 2019 Jasmine Crooks, then just four years old, stopped breathing at home.

Niky had MPS spellbound as she gave the most extraordin­ary speech, in which she described feeling herself ‘dissolving’ as Jasmine was dying before her eyes.

Niky called 999, and the air ambulance arrived within 20 minutes, landing in Charlton Kings near the Co-op.

They administer­ed an emergency anaesthesi­a and airlifted Jasmine to hospital.

Jasmine survived, and it was incredibly moving to see her at the reception full of life and joy.

Niky, her husband Ryan, and Jasmine have become powerful advocates for the Great Western Air Ambulance.

The Government has provided significan­t support to air ambulances in recent years.

In 2019, the Department of Health and Social Care’s three-year capital grant programme allocated £10million to nine ambulance charities across England.

This funding has supported air ambulance services to move towards 24/7 operations and improve seven air base facilities across England.

I want to go further, and I will be raising with ministers their request for additional capital funding to support new projects.

Finally, I wanted to congratula­te all those elected, of all parties, to Cheltenham Borough Council last week.

It is a great privilege to serve the people of Cheltenham in any capacity, and I wish new councillor­s every success in their role.

Congratula­tions too to Chris Nelson, a dedicated public servant, who was reelected as Police and Crime Commission­er for Gloucester­shire.

Although we were not expected to take control of a council which we have not held outright since 2002 (!!) it was disappoint­ing to lose Tim Harman, Matt Babbage and Stephan Fifield.

They have served with such care, integrity and diligence. But that’s democracy, and we accept the result.

I am passionate about Cheltenham and will continue to do everything in my power to deliver for the people of our very special town.

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