Gloucestershire Echo

Customers leaving two brands after mast is removed

- Carmelo GARCIA Local Democracy Reporter Picture: Phil Norris

CUSTOMERS say they are leaving EE and Three due to poor mobile phone signal in Cheltenham after a telecommun­ications mast was removed from Arle Court park and ride. Residents say they have faced poor network coverage in the south of the spa town since December.

And several people are said to be asking for refunds or being allowed to leave their contract early as a result of the lack of service. Cellnex, the company which managed the base station shared by EE Limited and Three at the park and ride site, raised concerns over the proposal to remove the mast during the planning applicatio­n process for the new transport hub being built at Arle Court.

However, the mast was decommissi­oned and a replacemen­t location has yet to be agreed. Cheltenham Borough Councillor Graham Beale (LD, Warden Hill), who has been raising this issue on behalf of residents, said there are signal problems across the town.

“The last time I spoke to EE, a week ago, they told me it was red everywhere,” he said. “Gloucester­shire County Council are working with [Cellnex] to find a replacemen­t site for the mast which was removed from Arle Court.

“But as far as I know, they haven’t done that yet. The leader of the council told me they would contact me directly.

“If you look at the EE’S current coverage map it’s only the Cheltenham Racecourse mast which is operationa­l. The others aren’t working correctly.”

Cllr Beale said the Arle Court mast was decommissi­oned after a planning applicatio­n from Gloucester­shire County Council for the new transport hub. “Three tell me that two locations

are currently under review to recite the Arle Court mobile mast,” he said.

“The Golden Valley mast is currently operating at half-power and is being investigat­ed – though I have no further informatio­n on when this fault will be resolved. On top of this EE have two further masts in the area which aren’t working properly.”

He said that an investigat­ion is ongoing after a “line of sight issue” with the microwave link at the Chargrove Lane/ Oak Farm Mast. EE confirmed that they were contacted by Cllr Beale.

However, they claim the issue has

been resolved. “We were contacted by Councillor Beale regarding coverage in the Cheltenham area.

“An issue was impacting one of our masts in Cheltenham leading to reduced coverage for some customers in the area,” an EE spokespers­on said.

“This issue has now been resolved and the mast is now fully operationa­l.”

A spokespers­on for Gloucester­shire County Council said they gave the mast operator at Arle Court a notice period of 30 months before the mast was removed to accommodat­e the new transport hub at the site.

“Providing an alternativ­e site for the mast is the responsibi­lity of the operator and the notice period is intended to allow them time to do this. We will continue to work with the mast operator to investigat­e potential alternativ­e locations.”

Current legislatio­n states that landowners must give no less than 18 months written notice before removing a mast operator from their property.

This issue has now been resolved and the mast is now fully operationa­l EE Spokespers­on

 ?? ?? Cllr Beale said the Arle Court mast was decommissi­oned after a planning applicatio­n from Gloucester­shire County Council for the new transport hub
Cllr Beale said the Arle Court mast was decommissi­oned after a planning applicatio­n from Gloucester­shire County Council for the new transport hub

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