Gloucestershire Echo

Steve and Olga lead the way for AA in Berkeley


A CONTINGENT of 47 Almost Athletes took on the Berkeley 10k, renowned for its fast course.

Steve Axford was first male home for the club in 39 minutes, followed by John Rea and Elliot Jordan.

Olga Goffin was first female Almost in 43:34 and also first in her category, with Rosemary Hubbard and Amy Broomhall hot on her heels.

Goffin, Hubbard and Ingrid Harris formed the winning female team.

Graeme Stopp secured a PB of 47:54, as did Caroline Rea, while Victoria Willoughby had a PB of 51:43 to claim third in the V55 category, whilst Pauline Bargus was second in her category and Neil Tring also led his age group.

In Newport, nine Almosts took on the marathon.

Katie Coleman (3:22 PB) and Richard Knightley (3:32 PB) were first home for the club, with Mark Willicott, Michelle Balchin, Alison Hume, Mark Wrefordbus­h, David Park, Allan Green, Sarah Wood (PB) and Dave Elliott also running.

Clive Baker successful­ly represente­d the club in the half, running a wonderful 1:51 in the M60 category, and Steven Wood (Pb)and Deborah Cartlidge took on the 10k.

In somewhat less clement weather, Josh Hand took on the Boston UK marathon, finishing in 3:15.

Jackie Slaughter took on the Bodmin Beacon trail marathon, whilst Karla Cleverly was running the city walls of Dubrovnik one day, followed by the half marathon the next.

Saturday saw the launch of Cheltenham’s new summer parkrun route.

Adrian Courtenay was first in age group at Ashton Court, whilst Prash Sripathi was surely furthest north at Thurso.

Neil Tring was first in category at Pontypridd with 23:16.

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