Gloucestershire Echo


Take a tour of heritage site to get fresh perspectiv­e on past

- » with The Cheltenham Trust

TWO hundred years ago Pittville Pump Room was a drawing on an architect’s plan as wealthy MP Joseph Pitt prepared to start constructi­on work on his dream of a town called


Constructi­on work began in 1825 on what was to become Cheltenham’s largest and last spa building, opening in 1830.

Today the Grade I listed Regency gem continues to play a central role in Cheltenham life as a key venue and visitor destinatio­n, with new weekly opening days and times announced for 2024.

From Tuesday May 7, the heritage venue will be opening for visitors weekly on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 1pm, and visitors will be able to view the main ballroom with its renowned ornate plasterwor­k ceiling, dome, and apse on the ground floor.

The Story of Pittville Pump Room heritage with its illustrate­d panels will be on display in the main ballroom telling the fascinatin­g story of the pump room, for visitors to follow and browse as they take in the Regency grandeur of the building with its sweeping views across Pittville Park to the lake below.

There is also a self-guided audio trail for visitors to enjoy.


Members of The Cheltenham Trust’s events team will be on-site to meet and greet visitors, and showcase the venue which is available for private hire.

Visitors will be able to sign up to become charity members of the trust, enjoying great value discounts on food and drinks in the cafes and event bars, and fast access and priority updates on shows at Cheltenham Town Hall, and Pittville Pump Room.

The Heritage Café, adjoining the pump room, will be open for visitors to enjoy food and drinks during their visit.

We look forward to welcoming you to the pump room.

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Take a journey inside Pittville Pump Room
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