Gloucestershire Echo

Porterfiel­d on move to rejoin Benkenstei­n


ASSISTANT coach Will Porterfiel­d has left Gloucester­shire to join former head coach Dale Benkenstei­n at Lancashire with immediate effect.

The former county opener joined as a consulting coach in June 2022 before being appointed as Benkenstei­n’s assistant later the same year.

He said: “A huge thank you to Gloucester­shire for giving me the chance to start my coaching career at the same club I started my playing career, two opportunit­ies I’ll always be grateful for.

“Thanks to the players who have been brilliant during my time here and to the staff who have made me feel very welcome. I wish everyone all the best for the future.

“Gloucester­shire will always hold a special place in my heart.”

Chief Executive Will Brown added: “We’d like to thank Will for all his time, hard work and support.

“It is always special when a former player is able to return to the club as a coach and Will has been able to start both stages of his career as a player and a coach with Gloucester­shire.

“We wish him well with his ongoing developmen­t as a coach and the ability to be more local to his family.”

He will fill the vacancy left by outgoing assistant Carl Crowe.

“I’m really pleased that Will has been able to join me ahead of the new season and look forward to continuing our working relationsh­ip,” said Benkenstei­n.

“Will and I worked together for two years in Bristol and I think that he will add real skill and experience to our coaching staff here at Lancashire, both from his playing days and first steps into coaching.

“I would like to thank Carl Crowe for all of his efforts and I wish him all the best.”

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