Gloucestershire Echo

Debut novel Writer brings the personal touch to his story

- Will LUKER

ACHELTENHA­M man has released his first novel which has connection­s to his own personal story but also community history here in Gloucester­shire.

Author Jim O’sullivan was born into a large working-class family in the town but through his parents hailed from the Dingle peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. His dad’s side of the family has a distant relation to the famous Irish author and storytelle­r, Peig Sayers and his book called The Steam Catcher is influenced by his upbringing and career, where Jim once worked in the care sector.

The book explores themes of identify and belonging through the story of Tom Casey, a Gloucester boy with Irish roots who dreams of becoming an explorer like his hero, Captain Scott, but finds himself an outcast and drifter caught up in daring escapades in love and war across the continent during the First World War and beyond.

Launching at The Wilson Art Gallery and Museum to draw links between the Cheltenham-born Edwardian Polar explorer Edward Wilson with the book’s character Tom, Jim said his book should be an engrossing tale for readers who want to examine Anglo-irish and wartime history.

It also looks at the early years of motorbike racing while painting a broad picture of a young man coming of age.

Drawing on the proud and often overlooked history of the Irish community in Britain, Jim said: “It means the world to me to get this book launched and it means a lot of launch here at The Wilson. I learned to read and write at St Gregory RC School in Cheltenham so it’s been great to combine my own history with the town I grew up in.

The book cover has a reference to Cheltenham Town football club who Jim supports, and talking about why the Irish community and their history in Britain is often overlooked, Jim added: “It’s good to revisit and make sure to recognise that the Irish who came over to Britain came to work because they had no choice. My parents generation were very stoic people and they came from very poor background­s where they never complained.

“I think it is a part of history that does not get talked about often but maybe that’s because the Irish community may not want a great fuss!”

You can find Jim’s book here: https://­er.html

It means the world to me to get this book launched and it means a lot to launch here at The Wilson Jim O’sullivan

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 ?? Picture: Rebecca Mollison ?? Jim O’sullivan signing copies of his book at The Wilson in Cheltenham
Picture: Rebecca Mollison Jim O’sullivan signing copies of his book at The Wilson in Cheltenham

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