Gloucestershire Echo

Council Tax bills in borough still one of the lowest in the country

- Carmelo GARCIA Local Democracy Reporter

THE average annual council tax bill for Tewkesbury Borough households will top £2,126 from April.

This has been confirmed as Tewkesbury Borough Council approved its budget for 2024/25.

The proportion of the tax bill which pays for Borough Council services remains one of the lowest in the country. Borough Councillor­s agreed a balanced budget of £12,463,511 for the upcoming financial year.

And this includes an increase in council tax for a band D property of £5 per year, from £139.36 to £144.36.

The average Band D householde­r in the borough will be paying less than £2.80 per week for the various essential services provided by Tewkesbury Borough Council.

However, the average total council tax bill, which includes Gloucester­shire County Council, police and crime commission­er and parish council charges, will be £2,126.12.

This is an increase of £97.20 on the current year.

Councillor Stewart Dove (LD, Churchdown St John’s) lead member for finance and asset management, said: “Despite the challengin­g financial conditions which have necessitat­ed a modest increase in council tax of less than 10 pence per week,

I am pleased that we have been able to invest in some of the priority areas for this council – improving the council’s response to emergencie­s such as flooding, providing further funding towards the transforma­tion of our services and giving our residents a greater voice through an enhanced approach to consultati­on and investment in a youth engagement officer.

“Less than seven per cent of the total council tax that householde­rs pay goes towards covering the cost of services provided by the borough council, but we will neverthele­ss be seeking to provide excellent value for money as always.

Throughout the 2024/2025 financial year, the average household in Tewkesbury Borough will pay us less than £2.80 per week to have their bins emptied, benefits paid, food premises inspected, fly tips cleared and all the other vital services we deliver. “Tewkesbury Borough is in a relatively sound financial position, but following years of decreasing funding from central government – along with many other local councils we are facing the real prospect of a difficult financial future in the coming years. “Financial support for the local government sector needs urgent review, and we will be seeking to encourage the next government to prioritise more positive long-term funding solutions for local government to ensure our communitie­s continue to receive the high-quality services they deserve.” Opposition Borough Councillor David Gray (C, Winchcombe) said the council’s finances are fortunatel­y in a healthy position thanks to decisions made by previous Conservati­ve administra­tions.

“Not least the investment programmed that the old administra­tion put in place which is now providing a significan­t subsidy to the other activities of the council and enabling us to maintain services while increasing council tax in line with the national limit.”

 ?? ?? Joe Giddens/pa Wire
Joe Giddens/pa Wire

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