Gloucestershire Echo

Plans made as record crowds are expected for The Festival


WITH large numbers of visitors to Cheltenham expected for the return of The Festival in 2024, the borough council is working with key stakeholde­rs and agencies to ensure everyone is as safe as possible.

Record numbers of spectators and visitors are expected, and additional measures have been brought in for the 2024 festival to combat antisocial behaviour.

These include the council’s reimagined ‘Keep it clean’ and ‘War on Wee’ campaigns which aim to tackle antisocial behaviour; the racecourse’s ‘Love your Turf’ campaign; extra toilets in and around the town and more police and council officers stationed on Evesham Road at key times during the morning and evening.

Cllr Martin Horwood, cabinet member for customer and regulatory services, said: “The festival is a hugely important event for Cheltenham and we look forward to welcoming the return of festival spectators and visitors.

‘’We’re again working with partners to ensure that during that week, previous challenges will be swiftly dealt with and residents and visitors to Cheltenham have a safe and enjoyable time.

“We are continuing our campaigns to keep Cheltenham clean and address concerns about taxi drivers illegally plying for hire, racegoers’ behaviour in the evening and night-time economy, particular­ly women’s safety.

As part of this, officers continue to benefit from bystander training delivered last year through Gloucester­shire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (GRASAC). Licensed venues have been provided with refresher training on ‘Ask for Angela.’

“I would like to thank council staff and all partners for all the extra efforts they make during race week.’’

Cllr Max Wilkinson, cabinet member economic developmen­t, culture, tourism and wellbeing, continued: “In the past - despite temporary toilets being installed along the main routes to the racecourse - I saw men brazenly weeing against a wall near the town centre.

“After the launch of the ‘war on wee’ campaign last year, the council is again working with partners to provide more public loos and offer water-repellent paint to businesses and residents to paint on their properties.”

Officers will be proactivel­y visiting and engaging with licensed bars, clubs and other licensed premises to ensure they comply with their licence conditions, check on SIA accredited door staff, and deal with any issues which may arise with these venues during the week.

The council will continue to work with the police in monitoring the licensed sexual entertainm­ent venues and any venues that provide such entertainm­ent on an occasional basis.

The council continues to take a zero tolerance approach to unlawful taxi activity and will again seek to prosecute any unsafe or unlicensed taxis trying their luck during the 2024 Cheltenham Festival.

Racegoers are advised to only use pre-booked private hire vehicles or taxis licensed by the council waiting at our authorised taxi ranks; if they are hailing in the street, to only use taxis licenced by CBC.

 ?? Picture: David Davies/pa Wire. ??
Picture: David Davies/pa Wire.

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