Glasgow Times

City restaurant closes

- Sarah Campbell sarah. campbell@ newsquest. co. uk

A ‘ LANDMARK’ Glasgow venue has closed with immediate effect after more than 20 years in Merchant City.

It has been announced that Metropolit­an Cocktail Bar and Restaurant in Merchant Square has closed with reports of 40 jobs lost. In a statement yesterday, the closure was attributed to a “perfect storm” of factors including the ongoing cost- ofliving crisis, increasing and unsustaina­ble rent, rates and energy costs, and the fallout from the Covid pandemic “which continues to have a devastatin­g impact on the sector”.

Metropolit­an is owned by Kevin Maguire, a veteran hospitalit­y figure who since the 1980s has played a pivotal role in a number of key projects to support the regenerati­on of the Merchant City area.

Mr Maguire has claimed that despite “concerted efforts to engage in constructi­ve negotiatio­n with representa­tives of Merchant Square” he was left with “no choice but to make the difficult decision”.

He continued: “First and foremost, I am absolutely

devastated for our dedicated team whose hard work and commitment has made Metropolit­an one of the city’s most popular venues.

“It is heartbreak­ing that so many negative factors have come about at the same time making it impossible for Merchant Square’s flagship and arguably most recognisab­le outlet to remain viable.

“Merchant Square in general

and Metropolit­an in particular have been a huge part of my life and that of my team for many years so as you can imagine, to now be in this position through no fault of our own, is dishearten­ing to say the least.’

Julie Edwin, spokespers­on for Merchant Square, said: “Metropolit­an has been a tenant at Merchant Square for many years and an integral part of the Glasgow cocktail and dining

scene, contributi­ng to Merchant Square’s unique identity.

“Merchant Square has been going through a number of changes in recent months, welcoming vibrant new tenants to the Square as we respond to what customers now want.

“We therefore look forward to continuing to embrace and welcome new operators to Merchant Square as the offer continues to grow and evolve.”

 ?? ?? Metropolit­an Cocktail Bar and Restaurant in Merchant Square has closed down after more than 20 years
Metropolit­an Cocktail Bar and Restaurant in Merchant Square has closed down after more than 20 years

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