Glasgow Times

‘ Major refurbishm­ent’

- Ben Waddell ben. waddell@ newsquest. co. uk

A GLASGOW leisure facility will be closed for around two years to allow a

“major refurbishm­ent” to take place.

Glasgow Life has revealed Langside Library on Sinclair Road in the Southside will be shut from late 2024 until winter 2026/ 2027.

The venue will be closed to allow a “major refurb” – which is being funded by Glasgow City Council’s Community Asset Fund.

The firm says the makeover is aiming to improve the service to better meet the needs of the local community.

The programme of works at Langside Library will include, a new, flat level, accessible main entrancewa­y on Battlefiel­d Road, an exciting children’s zone, and an improved adult reading and study area.

Meanwhile, the makeover will also include a bookable community meeting and learning room equipped to support local community activities, and rearranged interior spaces which will provide flexibilit­y to meet a variety of uses.

Additional­ly, more customer

toilets will be created, including a changing places toilet.

During the closure, the nearest alternativ­e libraries for locals to use are Pollokshaw­s and Govanhill.

Those interested in learning more about the library’s

makeover plans can attend one of its informatio­n sessions.

These are being held on: Saturday, September 7 from 10am to 5pm; Tuesday, September 10 from 1pm to 8pm; and Thursday, September 12 from 10am to 5pm.

Langside Library was first opened to the community in 1915.

It offers a “wide range” of services and activities in “relaxing and inspiring surroundin­gs”.

Meanwhile, it also has “thousands” of books on offer for locals to enjoy.

 ?? ?? The Langside Library will be closed for around two years
The Langside Library will be closed for around two years

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