Glasgow Times

Parts of M74 to be closed


PARTS of the M74 motorway near Glasgow will be closed for several days this month.

On behalf of Transport Scotland, Amey will be carrying out resurfacin­g works on the southbound carriagewa­y of the road at Junction 8 ( Canderside Toll Interchang­e).

The work will be carried out from September 12 to 17.

It will be completed using a contraflow, road closures and lane closures.

Lane closures will be in place on both the northbound and southbound carriagewa­ys of the motorway between Junctions 7 and 9 from 8pm on September 12 until 6am on September 13.

The Junction 10 northbound on- slip will be closed between 8pm on September 13 and 6am on September 14.

The southbound carriagewa­y will be closed between Junctions 7 and 8, with a lane closure at Junction 8’ s on- slip and a lane closure on the northbound carriagewa­y between 10pm on September 13 and 6am on September 14.

The contraflow with the southbound carriagewa­y at Junction 8 will be shut between 6am on September 14 and 10pm on September 15.

The southbound carriagewa­y of the road will be closed between Junctions 7 and 8, with a lane closure at Junction 8’ s on- slip and a lane closure on the northbound carriagewa­y from 10pm on September 15 and 6am on September 16.

The northbound on- slip at Junction 10 will be shut from 10pm on September 15 until 6am on September 16.

Lane closures will be in place on both the northbound and southbound carriagewa­ys between Junctions 7 and 9 from 8pm on September 16 to 8am on September 17.

During all the closures, diversions will be in place for motorists.

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