Glasgow Times

Hospital plans move forward


‘ EXCITING’ plans to create the new University Hospital Monklands are moving forward.

NHS Lanarkshir­e said the plans to construct the new ‘ trailblazi­ng’ facility have progressed through preparator­y works on the site of the developmen­t.

The Monklands Replacemen­t Project ( MRP) is carrying out ‘ settlement trials’ on the land at Wester Moffat in Airdrie that will eventually become home to the new hospital. We previously reported plans to build the new hospital in place of Monklands progressed earlier this year as well.

The vision to replace the hospital with a new facility was met with approval of the project’s planning applicatio­n at a council meeting on Thursday, June 20. North Lanarkshir­e Council gave the go- ahead for the hospital to be constructe­d at the site.

MRP Director Graeme Reid said: “We’re delighted to see this initial work underway on the site, illustrati­ng that the momentum continues on our journey towards Lanarkshir­e’s new hospital, which will be the first in Scotland to be fully digital and net zero carbon.

“Settlement trials involve earth from the site being formed into three large mounds to test how quickly the ground settles.

“The results will allow the MRP team to verify their design assumption­s about the land and confirm constructi­on plans and methodolog­y for the hospital.

“The public may notice some constructi­on traffic accessing the area and surveyors will be on site regularly over the coming months to take readings and assess the settlement of the earth mounds.

“We’ll keep the community informed about future site works.”

Colin Lauder, NHS Lanarkshir­e Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Planning, Property and Performanc­e, said he recently visited Wester Moffat to observe the work and was highly impressed by what he saw.

He said: “I was pleased to have the opportunit­y to tour the site along with Donald Reid, who has a background in constructi­on and is a non- executive director on NHS Lanarkshir­e’s Board and Chair of the Board sub- committee that provides governance on the MRP.

“We were shown round by Dean Molloy, from contractor I& H Brown, and saw the great work being carried out to undertake the settlement trials. It’s inspiratio­nal to walk the site and see all the activity, and to envision the magnificen­t, state- of- the- art hospital building that will stand there in the future. This phase of work underlines the fact that NHS Lanarkshir­e remains fully committed to the constructi­on of the new University Hospital Monklands.

“We’re currently developing the MRP’s Full Business Case ( FBC) and the project timeline is unchanged as we work towards completing the FBC in 2025 and opening our new hospital around 2031.”

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