Glasgow Times

Decision to be made on new city housing for students

- Sarah Hilley news@ glasgowtim­es. co. uk

A HUGE tower for student housing is set to be decided on next week as it divides opinion with objectors and supporters making their voices heard.

The accommodat­ion is to be built on the site of former offices Portcullis House close to the M8, which is being partially demolished in India Street. The structure’s tower is to soar to 35 storeys, designs show with lower parts reaching 11 storeys.

There is to be 784 bed accommodat­ion with offices and shop premises in the ground floor as well as games rooms, a gym, ‘ social’ kitchen and an art studio among other spaces.

A large part of the existing Portcullis House is to be retained with a section to the north to be cleared to make way for the tower according to proposals.

Objectors are worried about there being too much student accommodat­ion in the area, that the scaling and massing of the tower is out of character with the surroundin­gs and there will be an impact on existing local services among other concerns. A total of five objections have been lodged.

Supporters who have submitted 16 comments in favour of the developmen­t make points about there not being enough student accommodat­ion in the city and that a brownfield site would be regenerate­d. Among other issues, they feel an increased population would boost the local economy.

The planning applicatio­n lodged by Watkin Jones Group has been recommende­d for approval by Glasgow City Council officers.

It will be considered by councillor­s sitting on the planning applicatio­ns committee next week.

A paper to be presented at the meeting said: “The submission concludes that the predicted effects of the developmen­t are likely to be ‘ overwhelmi­ngly beneficial’ or ‘ neutral’, primarily in relation to its socio- economic, built heritage, daylight or sunlight and townscape or visual impacts.”

It said the adverse impacts of constructi­on can be “mitigated through dust control measures.”

It added: “The risk that future residents may be exposed to high levels of background traffic noise would be mitigated through a combinatio­n of acoustic glazing and mechanical ventilatio­n.”

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