Glasgow Times

Council in bid to cope with demand for Gaelic schools

- Sarah Hilley news@ glasgowtim­es. co. uk

MORE than 1380 children are attending Gaelic schools in Glasgow as the council continues to expand buildings to cope with demand.

So far there are about 113 primary kids due to start at Gaelic schools in this August.

It is understood the Glasgow Gaelic Secondary School in Finnieston may need to expand further and eventually the Glasgow Gaelic Primary School based there would have to be located elsewhere. Options include a new build or relocation but it is predicted the secondary should have enough room until 2028.

Work to refurbish the former St James’ Primary in Calton to make way for the Calton Gaelic Primary School is set to finish in December 2025. In the meantime children are attending classes at North Kelvinside Primary.

A report giving an update on the city’s current Gaelic education said: “The Gaelic Medium Education ( GME) estate has continued to grow over the years and Glasgow City Council provision is the largest in Scotland with the exception of Western Isles and Highland Councils.”

It added: “Despite the reduction in children starting primary 1 in GME schools, GME itself still has over 1380 children and young people being educated through an immersive Gaelic speaking education experience in our five GME schools.

“This is an achievemen­t we continue to be proud of and whilst there are issues to be tackled related to the growth of the estate we continue to offer one of the most significan­t GME provision out with the more traditiona­l GME areas in Scotland. Indeed Ard- Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu is still the only fully immersive GME secondary in Scotland.”

The report is to be presented to the Education, Skills and Early Years City Policy Committee next week.

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