Glasgow Times

Huge spike in objections to Flamingo Land plan

- Xander Elliards news@ glasgowtim­es. co. uk

ALMOST 125,000 people have lodged an objection to Flamingo Land’s plans to develop on the banks of Loch Lomond – a jump of more than 25,000 in just two days.

The numbers come from a petition against the £ 40 million proposals – which include more than 100 holiday lodges, a hotel, waterpark, and monorail – being run by the Scottish Greens.

On Tuesday morning, there were some 97,000 signatorie­s to the petition. However, that has skyrockete­d by more than 26,000 after the date for a decision on the Flamingo Land applicatio­n was set for September 16.

After a public meeting and site visit on that day, a decision will ultimately be taken by Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority board members.

Scottish Green MSP Ross Greer, who represents West Scotland and has led the party’s Save Loch Lomond campaign, called for the park officials to reject the proposed developmen­t.

Greer said: “This is the second time Flamingo Land has tried to build their destructiv­e megaresort at Loch Lomond. Their first applicatio­n quickly became the most objected to planning applicatio­n in Scottish history. Now their second attempt has doubled that record.

“Despite the unpreceden­ted scale of opposition – and their own promise to walk away if Balloch residents didn’t support them – Flamingo Land has refused to listen to the will of the community.

“The National Park’s board must now stand up for Loch Lomond and the residents of Balloch and deliver an unequivoca­l rejection to this greedy corporate profiteeri­ng.”

The first applicatio­n was withdrawn amid fierce opposition in 2019, with a renewed applicatio­n being submitted to the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority in May 2022.

Jim Paterson, the developmen­t director of the project, has previously hit out at Greer and the Greens, claiming they are “more interested in clickbait politics … than having a constructi­ve dialogue about what could be a major investment into both the local economy in Balloch and Scotland as a whole”.

“[ Greer] has relentless­ly tried to interfere with a statutory planning process that doesn’t sit within his jurisdicti­on and – in a shameless attempt to get people to click his online petition – the majority of the claims he has made about our proposals are utterly false,” Paterson said.

“There is simply no way to validate the numbers he is quoting and who the people who clicked his sham petition are or where they live.”

As an MSP for West Scotland, the proposed Flamingo Land developmen­t does fall entirely within Greer’s region.

According to the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority “any individual, group or organisati­on can make comments of objection or support for a planning applicatio­n while it is open for consultati­on”.

The National Trust for Scotland, Forestry Scotland and Ramblers Scotland have also voiced their objection to the plans.

Locals in Balloch told our sister paper The National that they support some aspects of the developmen­t, such as renovation of the ruined Woodbank House, but oppose others, such as the widely panned monorail.

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