Glasgow Times

School aid available


FAMILIES in West Dunbartons­hire could be eligible for financial help for school clothing and shoes.

The council is providing clothing grants of £ 150 each for primary and secondary school students in the area.

As children prepare to return to school, households are being urged by the national agency Advice Direct Scotland to check their potential eligibilit­y for support before the new academic term starts.

Applicatio­ns are generally accepted from July until the end of March of the following year, with payments made in July or August before the new school year starts.

However, this may be different among councils.

Grants are paid directly into recipients’ bank accounts, but those without an account can discuss other payment options.

Some families will have their award automatica­lly renewed if their previous applicatio­n was successful.

For more informatio­n, go to mygov. scot

A person is eligible to apply for a grant if they receive any of the following:

Universal Credit Income Support Income based Job Seekers Allowance Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance Child Tax Credit, but not Working Tax Credit Both Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Support under Part VI of the Immigratio­n and Asylum Act 1999

Advice Direct Scotland is also reminding families to check whether they qualify for the Scottish Government’s Best Start Grant School Age Payment, worth £ 314.45.

The grant helps with the costs of preparing for school when a child is old enough to start P1.

Conor Forbes, policy director at Advice Direct Scotland, said: “Many parents worry about the costs of sending their children back to school after the holidays.

“We know that Scots families are finding things extremely difficult due to the cost- of- living crisis, especially as kitting out children is becoming increasing­ly expensive.

“The good news is that help is available, so we urge anyone who might benefit from a clothing grant to make sure they know how to apply and when the relevant deadlines are.”

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