Glasgow Times

Pervert sexually assaulted girls and took secret videos of them


A DUMBARTON pervert has been found guilty of sexually assaulting two girls and taking secret video recordings of them.

John Ruth, listed as a prisoner in Greenock, had denied charges including possession of indecent images and directing sexual communicat­ions at a teenager.

The 40- year- old has been held in custody since earlier in the court process and was returned to prison to await sentencing.

On July 10, a jury unanimousl­y convicted Ruth of seven charges after a trial at Dumbarton Sheriff Court.

He was guilty of possession of indecent photos or pseudo- photos of children between

November 6, 2022, and February 24, 2023, at a property in Dumbarton and elsewhere.

He also took or permitted to be taken or made indecent images of a child.

On February 3, 2023, he sexually assaulted a 15- year- old, touching her breasts and made a sexualised comment to her about performing oral sex.

The next day, he encouraged a nine- yearold girl to touch her privates and made sexualised comments to her and discussed masturbati­on with her.

He sexually assaulted the same girl that day and repeatedly touched her on the privates.

And he hid his mobile phone in a bathroom and set it to record a video of the girl using the lavatory.

And on February 5, he hid his phone again and recorded a video of a 15- year- old girl drying herself after using the shower.

Earlier in the trial, Sheriff Maxwell Hendry had found Ruth not guilty of taking photos of the nine- year- old girl’s private parts under her clothing between November 6 and 21, 2022. He was also not guilty of recording a video up the skirt of the girl on February 11, 2023.

Ruth was put on the sex offenders register in the interim and he will be sentenced on August 5.

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