Glasgow Times

Council set to move forward with Dargavel Primary plans


TWO public consultati­on events are to be held as Renfrewshi­re Council moves forward with plans to build a second primary school in Bishopton’s Dargavel Village.

A pre- applicatio­n notice ( PAN) was accepted by planners this week ahead of a planning applicatio­n being submitted for the constructi­on of the new educationa­l facility at the north end of Craigton Drive.

The newbuild is needed because Dargavel Primary School in Arrochar Drive was built too small.

The PAN describes the proposed developmen­t as a primary school with integrated sports and assembly halls, cycle storage, parking and dropoff facilities, hard and soft landscapin­g, and an external 3G full- size floodlit sports pitch available for community use.

Following the PAN’s submission on July 9, a 12week pre- applicatio­n period is currently underway.

The earliest that a planning applicatio­n can therefore be submitted for the proposed school is October 2.

During this 12- week period, it is usual for applicants to carry out the pre- applicatio­n consultati­on ( PAC) requiremen­ts which include publicity and the holding of a minimum of two public events.

The two public consultati­on events will be held at Dargavel Primary.

The first event will take place between 6pm and 9pm on Thursday, August 22, while the second will take place at the same time on Thursday, September 12.

Non- statutory consultati­on is also taking place with various focus groups, including the new school design focus group and the transport and traffic focus group, both of whom are due to meet this month.

The PAN follows agreement by councillor­s in May that work to procure, design and build a new 800- pupil primary school for August 2027 on the proposed site ( site E1 at the north end of Craigton Drive) should continue.

Councillor­s also agreed at the time that proposed revised catchment areas should take effect for the opening of the new school.

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