Glasgow Times

‘ Fantastic’ new murals hailed by council leader

- Ben Waddell ben. waddell@ newsquest. co. uk

THE latest additions to Glasgow’s City Centre Mural Trail have been praised by Susan Aitken.

The new features in Merchant City have been created to celebrate the forthcomin­g Pride March today and the Merchant City Festival which kicked off yesterday.

The new murals can be found at Wilson Street – between Brunswick Street and Candlerigg­s – and the junction between Virginia Place and Ingram Street, with the former measuring 70 x 6.5 metres, and the latter measuring 5 x 5 metres. We reported how the incredible Wilson Street feature appeared recently. The ground on the street was being painted in all the colours of the rainbow to create a multi- coloured walkway. Painters were spotted on Wednesday, July 17, with paint rollers creating huge lines of red, orange, yellow, green, indigo and violet.

The rainbow flag is associated with the LGBTQ+ community activities around the world.

Now, the local authority has revealed the name of the new murals.

The title of the Wilson Street mural is Rainbow Street, with the other named Rainbow Place.

Following the ‘ vibrant’ murals being created, the council’s leader Susan Aitken has praised them as being ‘ fantastic’.

She said: “These fantastic new additions to our much- loved City

Centre mural trail are a physical reminder that Glasgow is committed to being a welcoming and inclusive city for LGBTQ+ residents and visitors alike.

“They are a symbol of solidarity with LGBTQ+ Glaswegian­s and support for global human rights and equality.

“With Glasgow’s Pride celebratio­ns and the return of the Merchant City Festival this weekend, these new installati­ons will help bring colour and vibrancy to our city centre.

“It was a particular request of Glasgow’s Pride organisers that we follow other cities in showing our support for Pride literally on the streets, and I’m really glad we’ve been able to fulfil that in time for Saturday’s march.”

Ali Smith, of artpistol Projects - the creators of the murals - said: “These new murals are bursts of amazing energy, with so much colour and fun injected into the cityscape.

“And it’s such a positive message to project: that of inclusivit­y, that we’re all the same, and we’re all unique at the same time.”

Drum Property Group and Stamford Investment­s contribute­d to the Rainbow Street mural as owners of much of the land on which the mural is located.

Glasgow Pride’s official event will take place today with a march setting off from Festival Park at around noon.

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