Glasgow Times

Council wants views on firework zones


REQUESTS to establish a firework control zone in several areas across Glasgow have been accepted.

These areas are Woodlands, Shawlands, Strathbung­o, Summerston, Knightswoo­d, Alexandra Park, Toryglen, Linn Park, Cardonald, Broomhouse, Pollokshie­lds and Dennistoun, with four separate applicatio­ns received for Pollokshie­lds.

Now, communitie­s in these locations are being asked for feedback about creating the zones.

Full details of the consultati­on, which will remain open until August 18, can be found at glasgow. gov. uk/ 9643.

Councillor Ruairi Kelly, city convener for neighbourh­ood services and assets, said: “Firework control zones are a new concept and it’s necessary we test the interest in having zones introduced in different places in the city.

“The concerns about anti- social behaviour and the misuse of fireworks are entirely understand­able and there may be other more effective ways of dealing with this issue, such as tighter restrictio­ns on sales.

“But requests for firework control zones have been received and those people who have submitted applicatio­ns for a zone are entitled to have their views properly considered and consulted upon before any conclusion is reached.

“As a local authority, we will have to look at a range of factors before we decide whether to proceed with a control zone. But community voices are a crucial element of the process and so I urge people to respond to this consultati­on.”

This request follows the new Fireworks and Pyrotechni­cs Articles ( Scotland) Act 2022 which allows local authoritie­s to create these zones, making it a criminal offence to ignite a firework within the zones.

The offence includes firing or throwing a firework into a zone.

Public views are important to establish these zones in neighbourh­oods around the city.

The council will also explore alternativ­e methods to address the issue when reviewing a request for a firework control zone. This includes working together with emergency services and communitie­s, engaging with young individual­s and targeted enforcemen­t activity.

Recently, a motion by Glasgow City Council has raised the possibilit­y of making the entire Glasgow area a firework control zone.

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