Glasgow Times

School recognised for active lifestyles work

- Sandhya Suresh Sandhya. Menon@ newsquest. co. uk

A SCHOOL in North Lanarkshir­e has scooped the Gold School Sport Award by sportscotl­and.

The award recognises Chryston Primary School’s efforts to provide quality physical education and promote active lifestyles.

Achieving Gold status shows the school has met the high standards establishe­d by sportscotl­and.

Headteache­r Jilly Moffat said: “We are thrilled to have been awarded the Gold sportscotl­and School Sport Award.

“We place wellbeing at the heart of our curriculum because this is crucial for improving outcomes for all our pupils.

“We aim to develop healthy habits that will positively impact their emotional, social and physical wellbeing.”

The school also collaborat­ed with sports clubs and groups to allow pupils to experience different sports.

Ms Moffat said the school’s running club meets on Thursday afternoons and hosted their annual fun run in June where 16 pupils completed 10km, 49 pupils ran 4km and 309 pupils ran 1km.

She said: “Since moving into our new build, our pupils have had the opportunit­y to engage in 19 different sporting lunchtime and after- school clubs.”

The award is designed to encourage schools to continuall­y improve the quality and quantity of physical education and sports opportunit­ies.

Ms Moffat said: “Our staff have

demonstrat­ed a commitment to developing this curriculum area through engaging in profession­al learning opportunit­ies.

“This achievemen­t reflects the hard work and dedication of

our staff, students, and the wider school community. I want to thank everyone involved.”

Councillor Michael McBride, convener of education, said: “Chryston Primary School’s attainment

of the Gold sportscotl­and Award reflects the efforts of staff in developing a strong culture of sports and physical education, which is truly commendabl­e.”

 ?? ?? The award recognises the school’s dedication to quality physical education and promoting active lifestyles
The award recognises the school’s dedication to quality physical education and promoting active lifestyles

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