Glasgow Times





1 Disarrange gathered frill ( 6)

4 Remove last of coffee with tongue ( 6)

9 Regarding gamble about hat ( 5)

10 Note doubt about right royal attendant ( 7)

11 Bony managers not limited by endless river ( 7)

12 Small page at home with television ( 5)

13 Sees sis chew malleable yellow food ( 5,6)

18 Sent back selection of fruits ordered for Swiss dish ( 5)

20 Price of lousy egg with salt ( 7)

22 Rulers with noisy fit of trembling ( 7)

23 Bumpkin given fine during endless shout ( 5)

24 Different way to prepare on a hot day ( 6)

25 All but Nigerian leader to advance ( 6)


1 Tease good French woven strip ( 6)

2 Anticipate­d war, foes mutinous ( 7)

3 Free hire travel ( 3,2)

5 Once more bring together disorderly retinue ( 7)

6 Overcooks small cakes filled with bit of relish ( 5)

7 Animal shy up to a point ( 6)

8 In the main, a complaint ( 11)

14 Rotter starts smacking naughty child ( 7)

15 Unwanted follower beginning to speak – one chatting ( 7)

16 Bad situation is repeated after short weep ( 6)

17 Truly surreal lyrics, in part ( 6)

19 Genius without a German mug ( 5)

21 Said occasion for herb ( 5)


1 In vogue ( 6)

4 Supervise ( a film) ( 6)

9 Music that originated in America’s Deep South ( 5)

10 Touch the imaginatio­n of ( 7)

11 Abridgemen­t ( 7)

12 Mending square of fabric ( 5)

13 All in, tired ( 5,2,4)

18 Children’s nursemaid ( 5)

20 Surname of the Only Fools and Horses family ( 7)

22 Sustain ( 7)

23 Indentatio­n, nick ( 5)

24 Immune ( 6)

25 Supplicati­on ( 6)


1 Pill taken when poorly ( 6)

2 Learned ( 7)

3 Club for dancing ( 5)

5 Tasteless ( 7)

6 Survive ( 5)

7 Grow canines and incisors, eg ( 6)

8 Blaze- fighters’ HQ ( 4,7)

14 Outing, visit ( 3,4)

15 Remain longer than ( 7)

16 Steep, soak ( 6)

17 Sagittariu­s symbol ( 6)

19 Gentle poke ( 5)

21 Freeholder ( 5)

 ?? ??
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