Glasgow Times

Private hire driver refused licence after spending £ 18,000 on a car

- Catherine Hunter news@ glasgowtim­es. co. uk

A PRIVATE hire car driver who has been operating across Glasgow for nine years has had his applicatio­n to use his own vehicle refused by the city council.

Shabbir Ahmed appeared before members of the licensing committee on Thursday to request a private hire car licence for three years after spending £ 18,000 investing in his own vehicle.

But the bid was denied by councillor­s as a result of the council’s over- provision policy which says there is a limit of 3450 private hire car licences operating in Glasgow.

During the meeting, a representa­tive for Mr Ahmed confirmed that the applicant had a clean licence and had not been in any incidents.

He said: “Mr Ahmed was granted a temporary licence last year and invested £ 18,000 in purchasing his own car as he thought he would get a permanent licence, otherwise he probably would not have made such a big investment.

“He has a wife and child to provide for.

“If he were to lose this licence it would be devastatin­g for him.

“Mr Ahmed was of the understand­ing that this licence would not just be temporary that is why he made the investment. We would like this to be granted under exceptiona­l circumstan­ces.”

Chairman and councillor Sean Ferguson said: “There is nothing to stop the applicant from applying for a full- term licence but it still goes against our over- provision policy.

“We are not able to renew a temporary licence unfortunat­ely and I am sympatheti­c to the circumstan­ces of the applicant but it still comes up against council policy.”

Following a short recess, it was determined that the applicatio­n should be refused. Applicants shall be informed of the decision in due course.

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