Glasgow Times

Parents in limbo as nursery set to close

- Gillian McPherson gillian. mcpherson@ newsquest. co. uk

PARENTS face a scramble to find alternativ­e childcare after a nursery near Glasgow announced its decision to close permanentl­y with less than two weeks’ notice.

Happitots Nursery Thornlieba­nk, which is located on Spiersbrid­ge Way in the Spiersbrid­ge Business Park, is to shut permanentl­y on Friday, May 31 at 1pm.

In a letter issued to parents on Monday, the nursery said the decision had been made

“in considerat­ion of the severe staffing crisis” they have been facing due to “low levels of qualified and suitably experience­d staff”.

“We believe this means we can no longer continue to provide safe, high- quality care and education that you rightly expect for your child,” added the letter.

“Along with many other day nurseries in Scotland, we have faced immense challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified staff.

“Furthermor­e, we are experienci­ng a high number of sickliness being submitted, which is making staffing critical with immediate effect.

“We will therefore be taking the decision to move all children and remainder of staff into one room whilst we navigate the next two weeks.”

The nursery is operated by Thrive Childcare and Education, a provider which has four different brands covering 48 nurseries across Scotland and the northwest of England.

From yesterday, all zero to two children will be moving into the separated section within the current two to three- yearold room, which the nursery acknowledg­ed was not ideal but

“the only solution” they are able to offer without closing with immediate effect.

Staff will also be required to close the full nursery this Friday at 1pm before reopening on

Monday at 8am due to current staffing.

The letter also stated that the nursery manager has resigned and will not be returning, and in the absence of both a manager and deputy, called on other settings within the region to offer emergency management support over this and next week.

The nursery also said they would be happy to support a transition to any of the closest Thrive nurseries, but acknowledg­ed these may be too far away.

The closest locations are Glasgow Airport, Robroyston and Garrowhill, which are 13 miles, 12.8 miles, and 15.3 miles away respective­ly.

A spokespers­on for Happitots Nursery Thornlieba­nk added: “We are sorry we have had to take the extremely difficult decision to permanentl­y close the nursery at the end of May.

“We realise the impact this will have on families, our staff and the local community and have only done this after exhausting all other possible options.

“Like many other nurseries in Scotland and indeed across the

UK, we have faced recruitmen­t challenges, at all levels, where we have been unable to recruit sufficient qualified staff to continue to provide the safe, high- quality care and education our parents rightly expect.

“We appreciate the short notice will be problemati­c for parents and are working with them to identify an alternativ­e nursery place at our other nearby settings.

“We will also be contacting other local providers to see whether they can provide any other spaces.”

A spokespers­on for the Care Inspectora­te said: “We have been notified that this service will close on May 31, 2024.”

Have you been impacted by this? If so, contact gillian. mcpherson@ newsquest. co. uk.

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 ?? ?? Happitots Nursery in Thornlieba­nk is set to close at the end of this month
Happitots Nursery in Thornlieba­nk is set to close at the end of this month

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