Glasgow Times

Calls for housing budget cuts to be reversed

- Drew Sandelands Local democracy reporter

GLASGOW councillor­s are urging the Scottish Government to reverse a cut to the affordable housing budget to help families who are homeless or in temporary accommodat­ion.

Council officials have reported the delivery of 6,500 new homes in the city is “at risk” with the city expected to receive just over £ 78m from the government, rather than the £ 104m it had expected.

Glasgow declared a housing emergency in November last year due to rising homelessne­ss. The Scottish Government declared a national emergency last week.

The city’s Labour group deputy leader Cllr Soryia Siddique, right, has sent a letter to new First Minister John Swinney asking him to reconsider a “net cut of £ 120m” to the housing budget.

And Cllr Thomas Kerr, Glasgow Conservati­ves leader, has urged the city’s housing convener Cllr Kenny McLean, SNP, to push the government into a U- turn.

He described the cut as a “devastatin­g blow for those desperate to get onto the housing ladder, families who are languishin­g in temporary accommodat­ion, or those who have been made homeless”.

Cllr Siddique’s letter highlighte­d the “very detrimenta­l effect on children’s welfare and life opportunit­ies of homelessne­ss and living in temporary housing accommodat­ion”, after Mr Swinney said tackling child poverty was his priority.

When the council declared a housing emergency, there were more than 5,200 open homelessne­ss cases and “990 children had spent between one and two years in temporary accommodat­ion”, she said.

Cllr Siddique added social housing is “key to reducing homelessne­ss” in Scotland, and reduced spending would mean the Scottish Government could not meet its affordable house- building objectives.

“This money is urgently required to progress building, acquiring, and adapting houses to meet the exceptiona­l demand,” she added.

Glasgow Labour’s deputy leader also asked Mr Swinney to speed up work on compulsory sales orders ( CSOs), which council officials believe could be the solution for up to 50% of empty homes in the city.

The Scottish Government’s housing minister Paul McLennan said: “The housing emergency is one of the defining issue of a generation caused by soaring inflation as a result of UK Government economic mismanagem­ent, and its almost 9% cut in the Scottish Government’s capital budget.

“Tackling the emergency will require the Scottish and UK Government­s and local authoritie­s to work together to tackle it.

“We remain focused on delivering 110,000 affordable homes by 2032 and to support that we will bring forward the review scheduled for 2026/ 26 to 2024, which will concentrat­e on deliverabi­lity.

“We are working with the financial community in Scotland, and elsewhere, to boost private sector investment and help deliver more homes.”

Cllr Kerr said he was concerned that “savage cuts” to the housing budget would mean “crucial” housebuild­ing targets would be missed. “SNP ministers might finally have U- turned and agreed there is a housing emergency, but this cannot merely be lip service,” he added. “They need to reverse their brutal cuts and give Glasgow City Council the resources it needs to deliver homes for Glaswegian­s.”

A council spokesman said: “Given the housing need in the city and the number of major housing- led regenerati­on projects in Glasgow, we are keen to secure the funding needed to deliver a significan­t scaling up in the delivery of the pipeline of new homes.

“To do this, we will continue to work with the Scottish Government, our partners in the registered social landlord sector and the wider housing sector.” The Scottish Federation of Housing Associatio­ns has described the budget cut as a “hammer blow” and called for the government to ramp up investment in affordable rented housing.

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