Glasgow Times

Cop stole items from house he was called to after death

- Ava Whyte ava. whyte@ newsquest. co. uk

A POLICE officer stole items from a house he was called to following a death.

Alan Sneddon is said to have taken two mobile phones and a tablet computer from the property.

Police Scotland confirmed that the Profession­al Standards Department ( PSD) carried out an investigat­ion as soon as the thefts were reported.

The 46- year- old was then arrested, charged, and suspended from the force.

Sneddon, who pleaded guilty earlier this year, was sentenced at Paisley Sheriff Court today.

He was put on a Community Pay Back Order, including 140 hours of unpaid work and an 18- month supervisio­n order.

Police Scotland’s PSD will now undertake gross misconduct proceeding­s.

Chief Superinten­dent Helen Harrison of the PSD branded Sneddon “a disgrace”.

She said: “Alan Sneddon’s actions go against everything Police Scotland stands for. The Local Police Commander and I visited the family to apologise on behalf of Police Scotland.

“They should have been able to put their trust in this police officer at one of the worst times in their lives and were let down.

“This case highlights that we will bring those to justice no matter who they are. He is a disgrace to the overwhelmi­ng majority of our officers and staff who demonstrat­e high standards of profession­al behaviour in serving our communitie­s every day.

“As an organisati­on, we know how much damage can be caused to public trust and confidence in policing by the actions of those who do not live our values, who do not carry out their role with integrity, and who do not uphold the standards we expect in policing.

“It is right policing is held to high standards and we will always support officers and staff acting with our values and standards at heart.

“Those who reject what we stand for, do not belong in Police Scotland.”

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