Garden Answers (UK)

Expert notes


Since 1994, Neil Lucas and his team have created many striking plantings of ornamental grasses mixed with perennials, trees and shrubs, at Knoll Gardens in Dorset. His latest book, Grasses for Gardens and Landscapes, was published this year.

“Panicums are superb grasses with fluffy cloud-like flowers one of their chief glories: especially gorgeous with perennial verbena, sanguisorb­a, eupatorium and rudbeckia,” says Neil. “They have fantastic autumn colours and keep their form all winter, which makes up for being late starters early in the year.

“Panicum is a warm-season grass, which, in a cold spring, puts them at a disadvanta­ge because they need a decent temperatur­e to get going. Though I’m pleased with our two new introducti­ons, ‘Sea Mist’ (pictured), which comes into growth earlier and makes quite a sheaf of foliage by Chelsea time, and ‘Merlot’, which is early to colour and turning red by July.”

Other selections Neil favours include ‘Red Cloud’ – “distinctiv­e red flowers that contrast with green


foliage that turns a real burnt orange in autumn”; ‘Blue Tower’ – “stunning and really large”; and ‘Thunderclo­ud’ – “really beautiful sea-green foliage”.

To get the best from panicum, Neil advises: “Plant in full sun, which is needed to fuel such massive growth. Like most grasses, panicum needs minimal maintenanc­e once establishe­d – just chop down in spring, and only divide if necessary.”

Knoll Gardens & Nursery, Stapehill Road, Wimborne BH21 7ND.

Open Wednesday to Saturday until mid-December, reopening February 5, 2025.

See knollgarde­ for details on walks, events and masterclas­ses.


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