The Daily Telegraph - Features



May 1 2023

The Telegraph publishes allegation­s that Rev Canon Pilavachi encouraged young men to receive full-body oil massages from him, as well as to engage in vigorous wrestling matches.

May 13 2023

With the Church of England carrying out its own investigat­ion into the actions of Pilavachi, The Telegraph reports that victims are calling for an independen­t inquiry into the allegation­s.

May 16 2023

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, releases a statement saying that the Church’s investigat­ion into Soul Survivor and Pilavachi has his “full support”. However, his comments strengthen the resolve of victims to call for an independen­t investigat­ion.

May 19 2023

Soul Survivor Watford announces it has suspended Pilavachi, stating: “It has become clear that this more decisive action should have been made earlier and we have acted to correct this now.”

May 22 2023

It is reported that a private member’s motion calling for an independen­t investigat­ion into Soul Survivor and Pilavachi, led by a KC, has been lodged with the General Synod, the Church’s legislativ­e body.

May 23 2023

Hertfordsh­ire Police confirm that they are “monitoring” the investigat­ion by the Church of England’s National Safeguardi­ng Team and the Diocese of St Albans.

June 7 2023

The Telegraph reports that more than 100 people have come forward to the Church’s investigat­ion to accuse Pilavachi of abuse.

July 11 2023

Pilavachi resigns as Associate Pastor of Soul Survivor, saying he “seeks forgivenes­s from any whom I have hurt” after allegation­s of abuse were exposed by The Telegraph. This is the first and only time he has spoken publicly about the allegation­s.

August 5 2023

Bishop Graham Cray, the former chairman of Soul Survivor, is being investigat­ed by Church of England officials amid allegation­s that he failed to act on reports of abuse, The Telegraph reports.

September 6 2023

The Church’s investigat­ion is concluded and substantia­tes the allegation­s first reported in The Telegraph. It says Pilavachi used his “spiritual authority” to control victims.

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