The Daily Telegraph - Features

The best loaves for your gut health, weight and energy levels

Not all carbs are bad, and some breads are better than others, say nutritioni­sts. Sue Quinn helps separate the wheat from the chaff


When I was a child, a stack of sliced white bread took centre stage on our dinner table, an essential accompanim­ent to every meal. We smothered the cottony slices in margarine and dunked them into soups and stews or gobbled them like a side dish.

We’re hardwired to love bread in all its forms – sandwiches, bread baskets, hot buttered toast – because it has sustained us for 10,000 years, according to some estimates.

“We’re connected to bread, and its aroma, taste and texture has become synonymous with comfort and nourishmen­t,” says Dr Vanessa Kimbell, a bread and nutrition expert. “Culturally, bread is also one of our first foods, often given to us as children, which also creates a deep-seated emotional and biological connection.”

But recently, bread has developed a reputation as a nutritiona­l bad guy. In the continuing craze for low-carb diets, it’s accused of contributi­ng to weight gain and metabolic problems, and spiking our blood sugar levels in unhealthy ways. Mass-produced supermarke­t loaves have been slammed as unhealthy ultra-processed foods (UPFs), bereft of fibre and loaded with additives.

Entire supermarke­t aisles are still devoted to bread, of course. A report last year by consumer research group Mintel found that packaged sliced loaves are what we reach for most, with Warburtons our favourite brand. Close behind in popularity are bread rolls, garlic bread, wraps, baguettes, naan, bagels and pitta. In total, we consumed 1.7 million tonnes of bread last year.

However, that figure is falling. The Government’s Family Food Survey reveals that in 1974 Brits consumed more than a kilo of bread per person per week. By 2014 that figure had fallen to 555g, and now we’re down to 465g. We’re eating half the bread we did 50 years ago, and are set to eat less in future. Is this trend good for us? Or can bread be “healthy”?

Is bread ‘bad’ for us?

Many people avoid bread, along with other starchy carbs, because they think it’s unhealthy. The theory is that bread is an easily digested carb that our bodies quickly turn into glucose, causing blood sugar levels to rise and fall – or spike. The “highs” make us happy, but also leave us feeling hungry again quickly, and make us crave that food more. It’s why some people refer to carbs like bread as “addictive”.

There is evidence to suggest that extreme spikes in blood sugar, over time, can cause inflammati­on and increase our risk of conditions like heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. And it’s true that bread is king of the carbs.

“Compared to other starchy foods such as pasta, rice or potatoes, bread has a lower water content and therefore a higher carbohydra­te content,” says Bridget Benelam, a nutrition scientist with the British Nutrition Foundation. For example, white bread contains around 48g of carbohydra­te per 100g compared to about 37g for white pasta, 27g for white rice and about 17g for boiled potatoes.

But Dr Saliha Mahmood Ahmed, NHS gastroente­rologist, chef and author of The Kitchen Prescripti­on, says a degree of blood sugar spikes after eating is normal, and don’t cause problems for healthy non-diabetics. “Excessive spikes can damage our health,” she says. “But carbohydra­tes like bread are vital to provide our bodies and brains with energy to function.”

She stresses that not all carbs – or breads – are equal. “Wholewheat bread contains far more fibre than white bread,

‘A wholemeal spelt loaf made with ancient grains is a useful way of incorporat­ing carbs’

which is potentiall­y a way to achieve a smoother blood sugar response,” she says. “For example, a wholemeal spelt loaf made with ancient grains is potentiall­y a useful way of incorporat­ing carbs into the diet, and it also includes fibre and micronutri­ents.”

Can bread cause weight gain?

Much depends on how the bread is made and the types of grains it contains, Dr Kimbell says. “Refined, low-fibre breads can perpetuate hunger and elevate insulin levels, contributi­ng to weight gain.”

On the other hand, wholegrain, rye and sourdough can actually help weight management, Dr Kimbell says. The reasons for this are complex but in simple terms, these breads contain more fibre, require more chewing and have a more complex structure than industrial­ly processed white loaves. You eat less of them because they make you feel full.

Everyone’s physical response to bread is different, Dr Kimbell stresses, so there’s no “right” approach for everyone. “The key is to find the right type of bread that suits your dietary requiremen­ts.”

If you think you’re overeating bread, consider what you’re consuming it with before you ditch it completely. We all know white toast with honey barely touches the sides, so we reach for more. But fibre-rich baked beans on toast is much more satisfying.

Does bread cause health problems and bloating?

Coeliac disease (a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat gluten) and non-coeliac gluten sensitivit­y are both on the rise, says Dr Mahmood Ahmed. But she says it’s difficult to pinpoint what role bread plays in this.

Some people blame the Chorleywoo­d method of breadmakin­g, which produces fluffy yeasted loaves quickly with the use of additives. The theory is that this fermentati­on process is significan­tly quicker than for naturally leavened bread like sourdough, and this makes the bread harder to digest.

“It’s very difficult as scientists to unpick which bit of bread is causing the symptoms,” says Dr Mahmood Ahmed. “It could be the emulsifier­s for one person, or the preservati­ves for another. Or it could be other compounds and structures formed from the processing of bread that we haven’t really identified and understood.”

Many people also believe bread causes bloating, but there are many other possible triggers, including artificial sweeteners, caffeinate­d drinks or a combinatio­n of foods in the diet.

“Bloating as a phenomenon doesn’t exist in isolation with bread,” Dr Mahmood Ahmed says. “It exists in the context of the rest of the diet and what you’re eating on the whole.” What’s more, bloating isn’t always negative, she says, it may just be that your gut is processing fibre.

Is grain quality important?

Advocates of low-carb diets focus on the negatives of eating ultra-processed bread, highlighti­ng issues such as lack of fibre, additives and the impact on blood sugar levels, says Dr Kimbell. “They miss out the fact that ‘good’ bread, made from diverse, sustainabl­y farmed grains and long fermentati­on processes, is incredibly nourishing,” she says.

The quality and variety of grains in bread directly impacts gut health by providing a wide range of inexpensiv­e, high quality and accessible types of fibre. “These fibres support a diverse gut microbiome, which is crucial for robust health,” Dr Kimbell says.

Bread is a UPF

UPFs, which include many mass-produced supermarke­t loaves, are a hot topic these days, as recent studies suggest they’re at the root of much of our poor health. Ultra-processed loaves are often low in fibre because the goodness has been refined out of the flour. And many contain additives including preservati­ves, emulsifier­s and stabiliser­s, which are now being linked to conditions such as poor gut health.

Dr Mahmood Ahmed welcomes the publicity surroundin­g UPFs because it encourages us to scrutinise food labels more closely and better understand what’s in the products we buy. But for many people, artisan loaves, like sourdough – which don’t count as UPFs – are out of reach because they’re expensive.

“Vilifying sliced white bread in my opinion is not OK because it’s the only bread that large proportion­s of our society can afford,” Dr Mahmood Ahmed says. “Yes, it’s a UPF and there are better options that are denser in fibre and cause fewer sugar spikes. But the reality is that even sliced white bread is a source of nutrition.”

That’s because most wheat bread in the UK is made from flour fortified with iron, B vitamins and minerals. New laws requiring folic acid to be added to flour are due to be introduced this year to help prevent life-threatenin­g brain and spinal conditions in foetuses.

The case for nutritious bread

Dr Mahmood Ahmed urges everyone to embrace bread and buy the most nutritious kind we can afford. “There is no food culture in the world that doesn’t celebrate bread in some form – it’s deeply ingrained within our food culture and gives rise to so much joy,” she says. “It’s important to understand the pitfalls of UPFs and why alternativ­e higher quality loaves are full of goodness and shouldn’t be lost from our diets.”

Our nutrition expert Sam Rice agrees. “Bread ideally contains just four ingredient­s, flour, water, yeast, and salt. However, if you check the ingredient­s, there are often additives such as preservati­ves and emulsifier­s, which tip it into UPF territory.” Listed above are the best choices available from the UK’s top supermarke­ts.

 ?? ?? I struggled to find any Morrisons own-brand breads that were free from UPFs, but it does sell the excellent brand Jason’s Sourdough. Jason’s White Ciabattin Sourdough, £1.70 for 580g (29.3p per 100g)w MORRISONS £2
I struggled to find any Morrisons own-brand breads that were free from UPFs, but it does sell the excellent brand Jason’s Sourdough. Jason’s White Ciabattin Sourdough, £1.70 for 580g (29.3p per 100g)w MORRISONS £2
 ?? ?? M&S £2.40
M&S is known for its high-quality own-brand products. Unfortunat­ely, many of its sliced loaves contain UPF ingredient­s such as palm oil and emulsifier­s. The “Wildfarmed” range is a better bet.
M&S Wildfarmed Wheat & Rye Flour Bread, £2.40 for 380g (63.2p per 100g)
M&S £2.40 M&S is known for its high-quality own-brand products. Unfortunat­ely, many of its sliced loaves contain UPF ingredient­s such as palm oil and emulsifier­s. The “Wildfarmed” range is a better bet. M&S Wildfarmed Wheat & Rye Flour Bread, £2.40 for 380g (63.2p per 100g)
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? ASDA £2
Asda’s pre-packed, sliced options all contain additives. The baked-instore Extra Special range is the one to go for, like its Extra Special Parisian Bread. Asda Extra Special Parisian Bread, £2 for 400g (50p per 100g)
ASDA £2 Asda’s pre-packed, sliced options all contain additives. The baked-instore Extra Special range is the one to go for, like its Extra Special Parisian Bread. Asda Extra Special Parisian Bread, £2 for 400g (50p per 100g)
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? SAINSBURY’S £1.20
Sainsbury’s gets the “best in-house bakery” award, with simple ingredient­s (most are free from additives) at decent prices. Many of its products use ascorbic acid but this is simply another term for vitamin C and is not considered a UPF. Sainsbury’s Wholemeal Bread SO Organic, £1.20 for 400g (30p per 100g)
SAINSBURY’S £1.20 Sainsbury’s gets the “best in-house bakery” award, with simple ingredient­s (most are free from additives) at decent prices. Many of its products use ascorbic acid but this is simply another term for vitamin C and is not considered a UPF. Sainsbury’s Wholemeal Bread SO Organic, £1.20 for 400g (30p per 100g)
 ?? ?? TESCO £2
Even Tesco’s Finest range of sliced breads contain UPFs. But the sourdough loaves came up trumps, with a special mention for Tesco’s own-brand ciabatta.
Tesco Brown Sourdough, £2 for 400g (50p per 100g)
TESCO £2 Even Tesco’s Finest range of sliced breads contain UPFs. But the sourdough loaves came up trumps, with a special mention for Tesco’s own-brand ciabatta. Tesco Brown Sourdough, £2 for 400g (50p per 100g)
 ?? ?? LIDL £1.99
Most of Lidl’s (excellent) baked goods contain UPF ingredient­s, with a notable exception being its Crusty Rye Bloomer. Lidl Crusty Rye Bloomer, £1.99 for 600g
(33.2p per 100g)
LIDL £1.99 Most of Lidl’s (excellent) baked goods contain UPF ingredient­s, with a notable exception being its Crusty Rye Bloomer. Lidl Crusty Rye Bloomer, £1.99 for 600g (33.2p per 100g)
 ?? ?? The loaves to reach for are the own-brand sourdoughs, either from the in-house bakery (such as the San Francisco Sourdough Style Bloomer) or its No 1 range of pre-sliced sourdoughs. Waitrose No 1 White Sourdough Bread, £1.76 for 500g (35.2p per 100g) WAITROSE £1.76
The loaves to reach for are the own-brand sourdoughs, either from the in-house bakery (such as the San Francisco Sourdough Style Bloomer) or its No 1 range of pre-sliced sourdoughs. Waitrose No 1 White Sourdough Bread, £1.76 for 500g (35.2p per 100g) WAITROSE £1.76
 ?? ?? ALDI £1.59
Aldi’s Specially Selected range of sourdough breads are UPF-free and excellent value. Choose from white, seeded or dark rye. Aldi Specially Selected White Sourdough Loaf, £1.59 for 500g (31.8p per 100g)
ALDI £1.59 Aldi’s Specially Selected range of sourdough breads are UPF-free and excellent value. Choose from white, seeded or dark rye. Aldi Specially Selected White Sourdough Loaf, £1.59 for 500g (31.8p per 100g)
Well done to Sainsbury’s for providing a basic white loaf that’s super cheap and free from nasties. This bread contains just flour, water, salt and yeast. Sainsbury’s Farmhouse Loaf White Bread, £1.45 for 800g (18.1p per 100g)
THE BEST ON A BUDGET Well done to Sainsbury’s for providing a basic white loaf that’s super cheap and free from nasties. This bread contains just flour, water, salt and yeast. Sainsbury’s Farmhouse Loaf White Bread, £1.45 for 800g (18.1p per 100g)
 ?? ?? CO-OP £1.85
Co-op’s own-brand sliced loaves were all UPF. As such, it wouldn’t be my top choice for breadbuyin­g, but if pushed I would choose its White Crusty Cob, which is free from UPF additives. Co-op White Crusty Cob, £1.85 for 400g (46.3p per 100g)
CO-OP £1.85 Co-op’s own-brand sliced loaves were all UPF. As such, it wouldn’t be my top choice for breadbuyin­g, but if pushed I would choose its White Crusty Cob, which is free from UPF additives. Co-op White Crusty Cob, £1.85 for 400g (46.3p per 100g)

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