The Daily Telegraph - Features

I can’t argue with Paltrow. Being mindful has changed my life


Oh Gwynnie, Gwynnie, what esoteric, verging-on-bonkers nonsense are you flogging us now? A coffee enema?

Oh, I see you did that a while ago. My bad. It’s honestly hard to know what’s next. We’ve smelled your vagina candle and endured the eight-day goat-milk cleanse. We’ve sprinkled ourselves with sex dust and shielded our auras with your psychic vampire repellent spray.

So forgive me for assuming the worst when I saw that Gwyneth Paltrow, 51, the Oscar-winning actress, was launching a new way of connecting us to our higher selves; I assumed that once you shelled out for a Goop silk toothbrush you couldn’t get any higher. But it turns out her latest wheeze is a mindfulnes­s app which aims to teach eyes-open meditation. At this point, dear readers, you will no doubt expect me to hoot with derision. But no.

Ready for a deep dive into the very nerve centre of Woods Towers? I do transcende­ntal meditation, almost every day. I know, right? Imagine what I’d be like without it! My husband certainly can’t.

The Beatles learnt it from its creator, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, in 1967. I too was taught by one of the best: charismati­c American practition­er, author and broadcaste­r Bob Roth. The Babe Ruth of meditation, if you will. He’s taught Oprah and Tom Hanks, Katy Perry and Michael J Fox.

I’ll be honest: I was cynical, but transcende­ntal meditation is the very opposite of woo woo. You don’t have to subscribe to any sort of religion or spiritual belief; you just learn how to do it and it works its magic. No, not magic – I mean, neuroscien­ce. It calms yet energises. It increases positivity and resilience. The only tiny downside is that I always (always) nod off, because it’s done with the eyes closed – but that makes it a fabulous way of getting to sleep.

I’m not entirely sure of the Venn diagram between meditation and mindfulnes­s, but anything that gives us pause in a stressful world is to be welcomed. Counterint­uitively,

the more we relax, the more we achieve.

Paltrow’s new app, Moments of Space, was developed in collaborat­ion with, among others, Julian Murphy, a former Apple director who helped to launch the iPhone and the App Store.

His aim was to “challenge the misconcept­ion that meditation requires long stretches of time, stillness, and silence with closed eyes”. As a result, this is that meditation that entails maintainin­g a gentle and relaxed gaze without fixating on any specific object.

Paltrow finds that meditating eyes-open connects her to her highest self, stops her overreacti­ng and allows her to “keep [her] ego out” of tricky situations where there is risk of conflict. “Once you learn how to do eyes-open meditation – something you can literally incorporat­e at any time – you can be engaged with the world but still very connected to yourself. I rely on it to feel more whole.”

Will Gwynnie’s gentle tones guiding your meditation help you to reach new heights? I couldn’t say but, at £15 a month, it’s cheaper than a $199 Goop Champagne sabre and a lot less messy than a coffee enema…

 ?? ?? Not so mad: Gwyneth Paltrow, queen of woo-woo, has launched a mindfulnes­s app to help people meditate
Not so mad: Gwyneth Paltrow, queen of woo-woo, has launched a mindfulnes­s app to help people meditate

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