GP Racing (UK)


30 August-1 September 2024 Monza



Europe’s largest walled park is a legacy of French occupation of northern Italy, commission­ed by Eugène Rose de Beauharnai­s, Napoleon’s stepson. Fortunatel­y it was completed in 1808, before Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo signalled the end of the first French Empire. The royal palace within the grounds predates the park and was later occupied by the house of Savoy when Italy was united and declared a kingdom in 1861.

Just four months elapsed between the start of work on Monza’s circuit and its official opening in September 1922. In an era when most racing took place on public roads, Monza was just the third permanent racetrack to be built. We hesitate to say ‘completed’ because Monza has been a work in progress ever since – the banked section was quickly deemed too dangerous, abandoned, then rebuilt in the 1950s and abandoned again, while the road course has sprouted chicanes to control top speeds.


Carlos Sainz thrilled the passionate Tifosi by annexing pole in his Ferrari as runaway championsh­ip leader Max Verstappen dipped a wheel into the gravel on his fastest quali lap. But come race day the normal order was restored, despite a wait after Yuki Tsunoda’s Alphatauri broke down on the formation lap, delaying the start.

Despite a stout defence by Sainz, Verstappen quickly got by and was never headed again except during the pitstop cycle. His 10th consecutiv­e win broke the previous record of nine held by Sebastian Vettel.


The second Lesmo corner, slightly banked, is the arbiter of speed down the back straight at Monza and has now become a key area to attack in the new ground-effect era.

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