Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Reopened steak restaurant announces sudden closure


A RESTAURANT in Perth city centre has announced its closure one year after reopening.

Nicoll’s Steakhouse, on Princes Street, served customers for the final time last weekend after reopening in August 2023.

In a post on social media, the Nicoll’s team said the restaurant had shut due to “circumstan­ces beyond our control”.

It read: “It is with a heavy heart that Nicoll’s Steakhouse had its final service last weekend.

“Due to circumstan­ces beyond our control, we are now officially closed. It has been a pleasure serving all of our beautiful customers and we look forward to starting something up in the future, at a different location.”

The restaurant previously closed in 2022 due to staff shortages. It then reopened in August 2023 after a fresh team was brought in to take over, including chef Richard Malloy.

The team are now on the hunt for new premises in Perth, with Richard citing “too many issues with the building” as the reason for closure.

Facebook users expressed their sadness following the announceme­nt.

Sue Mcnab wrote: “Oh no! We were only there a couple of weeks ago and the steaks were the best we’d ever had. “Good luck with your future plans.” While Linda Chan-malcolm added: “Very very sad to hear this!

“The food was outstandin­g when we were there a few weeks ago..”

In August 2022, American Youtuber Randy Santel was the first person to complete Nicoll’s mammoth steak-eating challenge – with three seconds to spare.

The 36-year-old, who calls himself a “profession­al eater”, was accompanie­d by partner Katina, who also participat­es in food challenges. He was in to Perth to take on the 60oz rump steak challenge, as part of a tour of the country.

Those taking part in the challenge had one hour to eat the steak, four portions of chips, four corn on the cobs, four portions of mushrooms, tomatoes and a stack of onion rings. And with guests of the restaurant cheering him on, Randy managed to complete the challenge in 59 minutes and 57 seconds.

 ?? ?? Nicoll’s Steakhouse has now closed.
Nicoll’s Steakhouse has now closed.

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