Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Murderer gets jail time after bid for escape


CONVICTED murderer James Demarco made a violent escape attempt from Perth Royal Infirmary, where he was being treated for intoxicati­on after being found in that state within Perth prison.

Demarco assaulted two custody officers. He first knocked a female officer down a flight of stairs, causing her a head injury, and threatened to slit her throat. Then, despite being handcuffed, he attacked a male officer by biting and hitting him before fleeing the hospital.

During his escape, Demarco tried to steal a car from a woman who was at the hospital with her daughter.

He demanded her car keys and ripped her clothing before fleeing towards Wellshill Cemetery when she screamed out for help.

Police soon captured him in the cemetery.

When charged, Demarco dismissed the severity of his actions, claiming it would not affect his life sentence.

Tony Lenehan KC, defending, said his client was due to face the parole board next year, with prison staff noting improvemen­ts in his behaviour.

However, he admitted the escape attempt would likely harm his parole prospects.

Judge Fiona Tait sentenced Demarco to an additional 40 months in prison, emphasisin­g the seriousnes­s of his actions and his extensive criminal record, including 30 conviction­s for crimes including murder and assault.

The court heard that Demarco was initially charged with attempted murder but that he pled guilty to lesser charges, including assault causing severe injury, attempted robbery and attempting to defeat the ends of justice.

Demarco, 34, is serving a life sentence for the 2007 murder of 18-yearold Jamie Ewart during a knife attack at a house party in Edinburgh.

He was also sentenced to an additional 45 months in 2008 for orchestrat­ing a violent attack from prison, during which he was heard laughing as the victim was assaulted.

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