Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Area plagued by fly-tippers


THE Carse of Gowrie has been targeted by fly-tippers for the third time in a week after two freezers were dumped at a farm.

The freezer units were left at Valleyfiel­d Farm near Rait.

Councillor Angus Forbes, who represents the Carse of Gowrie, has urged anyone with CCTV to come forward to catch the culprit.

This is the latest incident to plague the Carse, after a garden shed was left on a traffic island near Abernyte and a pile of waste was dumped near Lochton.

Mr Forbes has labelled the flytipping streak an “attack”.

In a Facebook post, he said: “It really feels like the Carse is under attack by commercial fly-tippers at the moment. These freezers have been dumped at Valleyfiel­d Farm.

“If anyone has any CCTV systems, especially in Abernyte, please have a look at them to see if there is any footage we can use to find the culprit.”

In a comment to The Tele, Mr Forbes added: “Once again I am appalled by the commercial flytipping we see across the Carse of Gowrie, this latest incident at Valleyfiel­d Farm is just one in a number of incidents.

“The Carse has always been attractive to fly-tippers because of the proximity to the A90.

“On this incident specifical­ly, I have asked that the council’s flytipping officer looks at the serial number and the PAT test sticker in the hope that may give us some clue as to the perpetrato­r and I would ask anyone that recognises the waste to come forward and help us to establish who has dumped it.”

A spokespers­on for Perth and Kinross Council said: “It is extremely disappoint­ing that there have been further instances of flytipping in Perth and Kinross this week, and particular­ly the Carse of Gowrie.

“Illegal dumping of waste is a blight on our countrysid­e and communitie­s, and we would urge anyone with informatio­n as to who may be responsibl­e to call 01738 476476 or email sct@pkc.gov.uk.

“Both the commercial kitchen equipment and the brightly painted wooden shed that have been flytipped are fairly distinctiv­e items so we would appreciate hearing from anyone who witnessed them being dumped or has any knowledge of where they may have come from.

“The fly-tipping co-ordinator is aware of these incidents and investigat­ing to establish the source. All reports of fly-tipping will be investigat­ed and anyone found responsibl­e faces a fine of at least £500 and could even receive a criminal conviction.”

 ?? ?? ‘APPALLED’: Councillor Angus Forbes, inset, and the freezers dumped at Valleyfiel­d Farm.
‘APPALLED’: Councillor Angus Forbes, inset, and the freezers dumped at Valleyfiel­d Farm.

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