Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Farmer wins approval for crematoriu­m


AN ANGUS farmer says he’s “delighted and relieved” planning councillor­s have upheld his appeal for a new local crematoriu­m – for the second time.

Yesterday, the area’s planning review committee backed his proposal for farmland overlookin­g Dundee.

The Duntrune scheme was first submitted to Angus Council almost four years ago.

And Guthrie Batchelor, from Friockheim, thought he had the go-ahead in March 2023 when another review committee overturned a delegated refusal for the applicatio­n.

However, the council’s reasons for approving the developmen­t were branded unlawful when a local objector mounted a challenge in the Court of Session.

It led to a new appeal committee being formed to re-consider the proposal.

And they unanimousl­y supported the scheme.

Mr Batchelor hopes work will begin next spring.

The crematoriu­m will have capacity for 125 mourners.

“I’m delighted – and relieved – with the decision,” said the 33-year-old businessma­n.

“It has been a long time since we started this so I’m excited about getting going.

“There are planning conditions to come back but I hope those will not cause any problems with the project.”

He added: “Hopefully we will be looking at spring for the start of building work.

“Constructi­on will be around a year so we would plan to have the crematoriu­m open in early 2026.”

Crematoriu­m campaigner­s say they will reserve comment on the latest decision until the planning conditions come back before the review committee.

Once again, the crematoriu­m’s location was a major considerat­ion.

Planning officials originally cited a lack of active travel options as a key reason for refusal.

Montrose councillor Iain Gall said: “I don’t know anyone who walks, bikes or takes public transport to a funeral in a rural location like Angus.

“Funerals by their nature are very time precise. You wouldn’t want to arrive on an hour before and be forced to wait an hour after to catch a service bus.”

Committee convener David Cheape said: “Other than the community council, no statutory bodies offered any objection.

“There’s a need for a new crematoriu­m in Angus.

“The original rejection, in simple terms, hangs on the fact it does not comply with policies encouragin­g sustainabl­e transport.

“This is not, I believe, appropriat­e for the considerat­ion of crematoria which require to be situated in sensitive, peaceful, rural locations.

“We have to face the fact that people will choose to attend crematoria by car.”

 ?? ?? PLAN: Guthrie Batchelor is behind the bid. Picture by Kim Cessford.
PLAN: Guthrie Batchelor is behind the bid. Picture by Kim Cessford.

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