Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Hundreds in final farewell to Alice


HUNDREDS gathered for the funeral of “dream child” Alice da Silva Aguiar, who was killed in a mass stabbing at a dance class in Southport.

The nine-year-old’s parents Sergio and Alexandra were joined by family and friends at St Patrick’s Catholic Church in the town.

Among those who also paid their respects were Serena Kennedy, Chief Constable of Merseyside Police.

Members of the public lined Marshside Road as the funeral cortege arrived, along with about 30 uniformed police officers.

Several hundred people packed into the church while more listened outside on loudspeake­rs.

In an address to their daughter given on their behalf, Alice’s parents said: “Dear Alice, you were our perfect dream child, everything was idyllic from the moment you arrived.

“A good girl, with strong values and kind nature. You moved our world with your confidence and empathy. Playful energetic, friendly, and always so respectful.

“Being around you was a privilege, we cherished every milestone. You completed us.

“We have the full support of the country and the privilege of multiplyin­g that by two. For that, we’re thankful. For now, our beloved Angel, keep dancing, mummy and daddy will always, always love you.”

The chief constable told the congregati­on: “You (Alice’s parents) have shown great courage in asking me to be here today to give a message from you to say that you do not want there to be any more violence in the name of your daughter.

“I am ashamed and I’m so sorry that you had to even consider this in the planning of the funeral of your beautiful daughter.”

Alice, Bebe King, 6, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, were all killed in the attack at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class on July 29.

 ?? ?? TRAGIC: The coffin of Alice da Silva Aguiar, inset, is carried from the church.
TRAGIC: The coffin of Alice da Silva Aguiar, inset, is carried from the church.

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