Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Monty to take break due to health issues


COLIN Montgomeri­e has revealed he is unlikely to play again in 2024 following this week’s Staysure PGA Seniors Championsh­ip at Trump Internatio­nal Golf Links due to health issues.

The 61-year-old, who is hosting this week’s Legends Tour event in Aberdeensh­ire, began the tournament with a one-under-par 71.

The European Ryder Cup legend, who won a record eight European Tour order of merit titles, says he has decided to take a break from playing and does not expect to be in action again this year.

He said: “I haven’t been well the last six months. I have been very poorly. I have been back in London, I have been taking a lot of time off now.

“I have never done that in my life. I have never done that in 40 years.

“I might take the rest of the year off. I need to, I’m not well.

“I have kept it quite quiet but I’m not well so we just keep going and we will get through to Sunday.”

Montgomeri­e admitted the thought of putting the clubs away in August was “completely unheard of” for him.

He added: “In a way I am looking forward to it. How is my gardening? It is about to become an awful lot better.

“I have got lots of grass to cut, I can’t wait. I’ll be like Bob Macintyre’s father

(who works as a greenkeepe­r).”

The Scot admitted he was frustrated with his opening round, which included four birdies and three bogeys, but said hosting this week’s event had no impact on his performanc­e.

He said: “Colin Montgomeri­e of old would have shot 66.

“Colin Montgomeri­e at 61 shoots 71. It is as simple as that.

“I maximise every score right now.

“That is what I do every round, it is frustratin­g.

“I played the par fives in two-over so I gave three shots back to the field as you’ve got to be one-under for the par-fives.

“If you do that then hey presto, you’re leading and you’ve done nothing different or special.

“You just haven’t made the mistakes I’m making now.

“It’s not difficult combining hosting and playing.

“You get on with it. It has been a busy week.

“That is supposed to be the case and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.

“It has been a great week.

“It is just disappoint­ing when you can’t score 67 when you have played 67-ish.”

 ?? ?? Legend Colin Montgomeri­e is taking a break.
Legend Colin Montgomeri­e is taking a break.

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