Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Driver sentenced for bus ‘fumbling’


A CREEPY bus driver from Dundee has been ordered to perform unpaid work after engaging in sexual activity with a child while behind the wheel.

Father-of-two Christophe­r Mcintosh brought a 15-year-old girl into the cab of his bus as he drove through Fife. Dundee Sheriff Court heard how on various occasions in March and April 2023, he repeatedly kissed her on the mouth and embraced her during bus journeys.

Mcintosh was also caught driving the Moffat and Williamson number 64 bus through Fife while sharing his seat in the cab with the girl.

The bus firm sacked Mcintosh after the allegation­s came to light.

He lost a second job at Timpson’s after they became aware of the case.

The court was told how concerns had previously been raised by Mcintosh and other bus drivers about the girl’s behaviour on buses, travelling alone an “inordinate” amount and speaking to drivers.

CCTV was reviewed by the bus firm’s managing director and Mcintosh, originally of Kirriemuir, was seen cuddling the child in the driver’s cabin.

Prosecutor Carrie-anne Mackenzie said: “The bus is seen to stop and the lights go off. The pair are seen to engage in fumbling but the incident can’t be seen due to poor lighting.

“They are seen to engage in a kiss and the accused is seen to exit the cab.”

Police spoke to the child who said she did not want to get Mcintosh into trouble.

“She said she began chatting to him in February 2023 and would only speak to him when nobody else was on the bus,” Mrs Mackenzie added.

“She said they would sometimes kiss and cuddle on the bus.

“She said it was consensual and if she didn’t want to do it then she was to tell him as that was OK.”

The child said she had never met up in person with Mcintosh – who she knew as “Chris” – and didn’t know he had a wife and two children.

Mcintosh, of Younger Gardens in Dundee, was arrested and gave a “no comment” interview to police.

He pled guilty to an amended charge of engaging in sexual activity with someone under 16 and was found guilty after trial of careless driving while on shift.

Mcintosh, a first offender, came close to driving at 50mph between St Andrews and Glenrothes while sitting with his arm around the girl and looking at a mobile phone.

Solicitor Larry Flynn said: “He was a married man and as a result of the matter coming to court, the marriage fell apart and was asked to leave the matrimonia­l home.”

Sheriff John Rafferty placed Mcintosh on a three-year community payback order with supervisio­n, 280 hours of unpaid work and a requiremen­t to engage in the Moving Forward to Change programme.

Mcintosh also had seven points placed on his driving licence and will be on the sex offenders register for the next five years.

 ?? ?? Christophe­r Mcintosh.
Christophe­r Mcintosh.

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