Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Funds bid to see gull tale take off


A CAMPAIGN to fund a book about an unlikely fr iendsh ip bet wee n a seagull and a lighthouse keeper has been launched by a Dundee author.

When Michael Mccallin, 32, took a boat trip to Farne Islands he found inspiratio­n for a children’s story.

After seeing Longstone Lighthouse, he thought: “It would be hard pushed to get a Deliveroo out here, that’s probably why seagulls steal our food, to take back to the lighthouse.”

The design engineer went on to create an illustrate­d book titled The Secret Society of Seagulls, which tells the story of Steven Seagull.

Steven befriends a lighthouse keeper named Andy while exploring with his best friend Eddie Gull, but when a storm strikes, Steven must gather as much food as he can for his new friend while keeping out of danger.

Michael hopes to raise £5,000 by Tuesday July 9 to achieve his dream, to cover the cost of printing and help support the project.

Those who donate will get rewards based on the amount given. This includes a signed copy of the book, bookmarks, stickers, art cards and an “adorable” Steven Seagull handcroche­ted by Michael’s partner.

Michael hopes it will connect with people who have fond memories of the seaside.

He said: “I thought I’d try it and see how it goes. I’ve been marketing on social media, local papers, but it’s been tricky.

“If it doesn’t meet the deadline, I’ll keep trying until it does.”

Michael, who currently lives in England but is from Dundee, has a degree in animation and hopes to pursue illustrati­on.

Having previously designed a comic, he has more ideas for future stories and books.

He said: “I believe my purpose in life is to entertain and hopefully with a story such as this I can inspire other people’s imaginatio­ns.”

The Secret Society of Seagulls is suitable for those aged six and above.

Michael aims to publish the book by September if he reaches the target amount.

For more informatio­n, visit http://kck.st/45h7fta

 ?? ?? BRIGHT IDEA: An extract from Michael Mccallin’s The Secret Society of Seagulls for which he is crowdfundi­ng to have published.
BRIGHT IDEA: An extract from Michael Mccallin’s The Secret Society of Seagulls for which he is crowdfundi­ng to have published.
 ?? ?? Author Michael.
Author Michael.

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