Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Soap to raise drink ‘spiking’


EASTENDERS is to run a spiking storyline in order to raise awareness of “alarming rates” of the crime in the UK.

The story will see Anna Knight, played by Molly Rainford, spiked while on a night out at nightclub Peggy’s, but the incident initially goes unnoticed as her friends believe her erratic behaviour is actually down to alcohol.

Her friends eventually become concerned after realising her behaviour does not match up with the small amount of alcohol she has consumed.

The episode will air on July 16, and then viewers will be able to gain further insight in a five-part miniseries accessible via a QR code, which will feature in the main episode, a first for the soap.

The mini-series will show viewers the internal warning signs to look out for when spiked, while additional footage from the perspectiv­e of Anna’s friends will showcase the outward effects the drugs have on her behaviour.

The soap has worked with spiking charities Stamp Out Spiking and Withyou in order to ensure the storyline is portrayed as “accurately and as sensitivel­y as possible”.

Eastenders executive producer Chris Clenshaw said: “With incidents of spiking rising at alarming rates across the UK in recent years, we chose to explore t hi s issue with Anna Knight who represents the demographi­c most affected by spiking.

“It was imperative for us to work alongside organisati­ons to accurately present, and sensitivel­y portray this storyline.

“Molly’s performanc­e has thoughtful­ly demonstrat­ed the dangerous realities of spiking, as we look to raise awareness of the warning signs and symptoms to look out for.”

 ?? ?? Character Anna Knight.
Character Anna Knight.

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