Evening Telegraph (First Edition)

Facebook grifter who conned customers with bogus work promises


A FACEBOOK grifter who conned customers out of thousands of pounds for goods and services he never delivered has been jailed. Crooked Edward Townsley promised roof repairs, gardening work, a summerhous­e and games consoles to unsuspecti­ng punters online. But after they parted with their cash, he refused to return calls or tried to fob them off with increasing­ly spurious excuses. Perth Sheriff Court heard a community of Townsley’s victims grew online, while he continued to cheat strangers out of money to feed his drug habit. The 32-year-old, from Auchterard­er, was sentenced to 16 months behind bars after pleading guilty to seven charges of fraud committed between March 30 2020 and April 18 2022. Sheriff William Wood told the father-of-two: “The difficulty you have is that you are an inveterate fraudster and a thief. “There’s no other way I can say that.” The court heard Townsley’s first target was a woman in Glasgow’s Bothwell area. “She searched online for a landscape gardener,” said fiscal depute Erika Watson. “On March 30, she contact a company called Drivewise via Facebook. “Messages were exchanged and arrangemen­ts were made for someone to visit her property.” Townsley – who introduced himself as “Eddy” – went to the address on April 4. He quoted the woman £2,600 for the job but asked for half of the money as a deposit to buy materials. Ms Watson said: “The delivery date was continuall­y changed, as was the estimated start date. “She felt something wasn’t right. “She checked the Facebook ad again and noticed the business name had changed to Drivemaste­r.

“She investigat­ed further and discovered numerous reviews from people stating they had been scammed by the company.”

 ?? ?? Edward Townsley swindled thousands.
Edward Townsley swindled thousands.

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